Aluminum 8 meter beast

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Alexmach1, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

  2. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    What do you think guys?
    gonzo likes this.
  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Awesome. What is the selling price?
  4. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    starting from 96000$
  5. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    What is the purpose of the truncated reverse bow that I'm seeing a lot of these days?
    Reduce length for reduced Marina fees?
    Anchor mount?
  6. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    just design)
  7. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    A truncated bow is a good place for the anchor roller and stowage.
  8. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    I'd be more impressed with engineering drawings and not renders.

    Star Wars did a lot of "renders" of vehicles that can't be built, or won't work.

    You have lots of "pretty" details that make no sense to me.
    There is literally nothing to comment on.

    Explain why I should believe it will ever get up on a plane.
    TANSL likes this.
  9. jakeeeef
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    jakeeeef Senior Member

    Erm, the photos of it... planing.

    Re reverse stem designs. Fashion. As proved by the Axopars etc. which by all accounts sell and sell and sell.
  10. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The truth is that, looking at the photos, I would not guarantee that the boat has reached the stable planing position in any case. Just an opinion, which I don't think can be refuted with objective data.
  11. upchurchmr
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    My mistake, got carried away believing those were renders, instead of photos.

    Still looks like a bunch of senseless details.
  12. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    Hah, sometimes exterior design is not about common sense bro. What's bothering you by the way?
  13. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    Hm, interesting. But how did you define that and what do you mean exactly?
    You can watch this boat on the water in a video down below

  14. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    As I have already stated, I can only be guided by the photos and what, to my understanding, should be seen when a boat is in planing condition. In that condition the buoyancy is totally different from that of the boat at rest, which seems to be the case with your boat. On the other hand, when a hull planes the bow wave is not as big as shown in your photos. The wave and wake of a planing boat is not what you see in your photos. They are, as you can see, opinions based on what I seem to appreciate in your photos. If you have some objective data that shows that your ship is planning, it will be very easy for you to prove that I am wrong and I will gladly admit it in front of the entire audience.
    By the way, with such a long video, you could have added a sequence where we could see the displacemente/planing transition. In it one could sense, in the end, what could be a principle of porpoising.

  15. Alexmach1
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    Alexmach1 Junior Member

    I am agree with your comment about content of the video, but I can talk only about the project.
    For this boat is highly recomended 350hp engine, because the weight of the boat is 2 tonns. (3 tonns, upd. sorry)
    Boat in a video has 250hp engine, that why boat slowly comes out on the planning. But even with this engine boat showed maximum speed of 57kmh, which is a good indicator.
    Last edited: Oct 31, 2022
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