Aluminium Wing Mast

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by grossbart, Jun 20, 2011.

  1. grossbart
    Joined: Oct 2010
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    grossbart Junior Member

    Do you know anyone who could use this? Super deal for the right builder. Contact me off-Forum for details.

    6" X 15" X 66'-1" Francespar aluminum wing. Complete with single spreaders, double rod diamonds, all shrouds, turnbuckles, pins, masthead crane, 2 5/16" aluminum rotating mast step cup with delrin insert, 22mm aluminum female "T" main sail track with sail slides. (No winches or stoppers.)

    Complete Harken MK II headstay furling system including top swivel, single line furling drum and extrusions. Working length is 56'-9". This system is recent and in excellent condition, may be available separately.

    In Newport, RI
  2. luckystrike
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    luckystrike Power Kraut

    Perhaps you contact Phil Stegall who is building a 42' Trimaran in Jamestown, RI. Even if he prefers a carbon mast ... perhaps he is connected to the Multi sailors and can make you a good contact.

    Greetings from the North Sea Coast, Michel
  3. grossbart
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    grossbart Junior Member

    I know him well, cool project. He is committed to carbon but thanks for the thought.
  4. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    any further details on this any idea of weight per metre? Slightly shorter than the mast I need but I'm interested.
  5. idkfa
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    idkfa Senior Member

    maybe a few photos of step, head etc. to show condition. tks.
  6. grossbart
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    grossbart Junior Member

    Wing Mast Details


    6" X 15" X 66'-1" Francespar aluminum wing. Complete with single spreaders, double rod diamonds, all shrouds, turnbuckles, pins, masthead crane, 2 5/16" aluminum rotating mast step cup with delrin insert, 22mm aluminum female "T" main sail track with sail slides. (No winches or stoppers.)

    Complete Harken MK II headstay furling system including top swivel, single line furling drum and extrusions. Working length is 56'-9". This system is recent and in excellent condition, may be available separately.

    Better pictures to follow these should help a bit.

    Attached Files:

  7. grossbart
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    grossbart Junior Member


    Weight is in the 7-800 lb range for tube and furler. Consider a Le Rouge style mast stepped on a post if you need extra length.

  8. grossbart
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    grossbart Junior Member

    Better Pictures

    The splice would be tough to remove and re-do. We have a gantry here and could load on a boat hauler's truck. Probably easy to get it to FL area for installation.

    Move quickly as we are going to do whatever soon.

    Attached Files:

  9. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

    thanks for the info but not suitable for my application as the section is too heavy I'm looking for something about 6 lb a foot and I would have needed the mast unspliced for container transport.

  10. svquintana
    Joined: Mar 2012
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    svquintana Junior Member

    Yes, I'm interested. Please send an e-mail to my username
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