Aluminium Boat - Best paint system UK

Discussion in 'Metal Boat Building' started by Biscuit, Mar 21, 2021.

  1. Biscuit
    Joined: Sep 2020
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    Biscuit Junior Member

    Hi again all,

    As some of you will be aware i have started a business building aluminium boats, I've been looking at various paint systems, International, Jotun and others. And the various products they sell.

    Just wanted to see what people thought were the best ones for direct to aluminium, looking at 2 pack paints for durability at the moment, primer then a semi gloss topcoat.

    I've attached a photo of my most recent build, working with a local designer to create my own range, that is the smallest of them, she measures 12x6 ft, very stable and sturdy little boat. The rest of the range will consist of a 14 with a cuddy, a 16 with a cuddy and self draining deck (freeboard too low on the 12 and 14 to have it that way) and then from there moving up to a 19, 21 and a 24, all of which will follow the same design lines, but will have Cabin and Center console options.

    Be interested to see what you think, the paint is my main question but be interested to see what you all think of the new design.

    You can follow me on facebook if you like at the following link.

    R.L Engineering


    new model RL12.jpg
    New model RL12.2.jpg
    New model RL12.1.jpg
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    She does look very impressive.
    Can you post some photos (or drawings) of the other boats in your range please?
    What would the price be typically for the 12' boat (unpainted) shown in the photos above?
    Re painting, unless the owner needs a 'yacht finish', it might be easier to just leave them unpainted, apart from some non-skid paint on the inside of the bottom plating perhaps?
  3. Biscuit
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    Biscuit Junior Member

    Thanks for that,
    The price for the RL-12 is £3,500, that is the boat, with a set of oarlocks. I can supply them for a discount with an Indespension trailer and a Suzuki outboard for a package deal. Hoping that will be a good selling point also.
    And yes, the painting would be extra, but i just wanted to paint one, maybe one of the 16ft ones, to show people what they would look like painted.

    The other thing i have tried my best to do, is make the boats look good, a lot of aluminium boats you see look very workboat like, round bows, no style etc. I am pleased with how they have turned out, just hope the market likes them as well.

    As far as non skid goes, my plan is to either glue rubber to the deck of the 12ft, non skid, or get that grip tape stuff, you can get it cut to any width, and i think it would set the boat off. haven't tried it yet. but will be soon.

    the bigger boats, from 14 up the way all have a false floor, double bottom, and the floor plates are all aluminium tread plate. So no need for anything non skid, it's only the 12 with a single bottom in it.
  4. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I spray painted an aluminum boat years ago with the Interlux system. It was gorgeous. And I was an amateur with a spray gun.

    Acid etch.
    Brightside primer.
    Two part poly.

    I am using a different brand for my boat which I will not name here.

    Interlux is my favorite all around. Not sure if you can make it work commercially.

    I am also using Sherwin Williams one part epoxy for the inside of my boat and while I am not certain about using it for an exterior application or whether available in the UK. The stuff is really, really very nice to use on the inside of a cabin and perhaps the boat insides. Looks superb with only a slight, slight roller stipple mark that makes it look like it was intentional. Hospital wall paint. Tough, cheap, easy to apply. Scrubbable. If you can't get SW; find out what is used there for hospital walls.

    Another thing you could do is rubber floor them. Rubber silences the boat some.

    Is that a can holder in the seat?

    Boat looks nice. Curious about the hull wall thickness and why you went that route as well.
  5. Biscuit
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    Biscuit Junior Member

    Thanks for all that info, much appreciated.
    The RL12 in the photos is 3mm 5083 all parts 3mm.
    Designed on the computer and having built a similar one previously 3mm is plenty, the seats all act as both frames and buoyancy tanks. So the 3mm was just used because it was deemed more than enough when doing the design.
    The larger boats will have thicker hull plates as they go up the range.
  6. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    So, is the boat all watertight compartments? No buoyancy foam?

    They won't allow that in the US, afaik and fyi.
    Biscuit likes this.

  7. Biscuit
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    Biscuit Junior Member

    Yes its all just watertight compartments, what ive done though is build in 150% plus buoyancy. So 2 tanks wouldfloat her. No requirement for foam here. But ive built in plenty buoyancy as i say. To sink it you would need to put at least 3 holes in it, at 3 seperate locations. Be more chance of winning the lottery i would say
    fallguy likes this.
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