Affordable long-range power trimaran

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by snorkelbob, Jun 11, 2014.

  1. snorkelbob
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    snorkelbob New Member

    I have a dream of taking a couple years off of work in a few years and going diving all over the world with my girlfriend. I'd considering a sailboat, but I believe a powerboat could better meet my requirements especially when it comes to speed, maintenance, and single-handed cruising.

    I'd like a boat with the following:
    • 2 double berths
    • Space for dive compressor, dive gear, watermaker, supplies, spares, 12 ft RIB
    • 3000+ mile range
    • >9 knot cruising speed
    • Can be single-handed
    • Low maintenance and low operating cost
    • Reliable and safe
    • >40ft LOA
    • Under $300k including labor cost

    I envision a custom 50ft power trimaran with an interior layout similar to this 38ft tri:

    Would this be possible for under $300k?
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    The problem is even if it does work as advertised almost all of the bucks put in would never be returned at resale time.

    Except for the rather unrealistic 9K cruising speed all this could be done far less expensively with out a couple of years of building.

    The best boat has the lowest ROUND TRIP cost , purchase , outfit then sell.

    A good used stock boat might have an almost ZERO round trip cost.

    The trick is figuring out how to do it , but a brand new custom design , custom build will never be the way.
  3. snorkelbob
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    snorkelbob New Member

    Thank you for your response Fast Fred! I have no good way to estimate the resale value or cost to build a tri that meets my specs since there isn't much to compare to. My concern is that you are correct that my round trip cost would be substantial. Any additional information on the price to build (or sell) this boat would be appreciated.
  4. Petros
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    Petros Senior Member

    why a tri? if you just want the boat for a one time trip, find a good used motor cruiser where the owner is desperate to sell, use it for a few years, than sell it.

    We have taken road trips that way, flew to a distant location, found a decent price on a local used car and drove it 4000 miles for the trip. Than I cleaned it up and sold it at a profit, helped pay for the trip.

  5. snorkelbob
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    snorkelbob New Member

    I'd expect the custom 50ft tri to cruise near 12 knots whereas a used inexpensive long range trawler cruises around 6-7 knots and requires more maintenance.

    I plan on travelling around 25000nm. The difference between 12 and 7 knots is 1500 hours at sea that my girlfriend and I would much rather spend at anchor. I also like the added safety that comes with speed.
    Niclas Vestman likes this.
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