Adding a Saloon or Cuddy Cabin

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by snort, Oct 17, 2011.

  1. snort
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    snort Junior Member

  2. Wavewacker
    Joined: Aug 2010
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    Wavewacker Senior Member

    I would use an aluminum frame and sunbrella for a soft top cuddy. Depends on what you want and how big of a cabin intended. That's not a cheap cat and I wouldn't cut into it and modify it, might attach a removable shelter top and sides, but you reach a point where trying to build a limo out of a VW is not practicle, just buy the will be cheaperin the long run.
  3. Richard Woods
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    Don't forget that ultimately you are buying a sailing boat. Not a house boat

    So you must consider the gooseneck height, genoa sheet leads, winch positions and general handling of the sails. Like whether you can get a sail cover on, reef safely etc

    I'd agree with Wavewacker, why buy a cheap boat that no one has heard of and then spend a lot of money on it to convert it to an expensive boat that no one has heard of?

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
  4. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Check out Jim Brown's site for the Searunner 31 videos that shoe case his soft top. For an inexpensive solution you are pretty much putting a top on the deck pod/fairing. Such a versatile soft top could actually add value without increasing the weight much or adding permanent windage.
  5. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member


    As Richard and Wavewacker said, I have been on the boat in the first 3 photo's works well but know nothing of the other but well done for at anchor...

    Attached Files:

  6. snort
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    snort Junior Member

    Thanks for all your answers! I'll hunt around the outrig site for that info you mentioned, "cavalier".
    "Outside", that's a nice looking boat and probably what would be an acceptable solution to the boat I posted the link to.
    "Wavewacker", you're probably right!
    And Richard, I'm still looking for that elusive Eclipse or Flica to show up somewhere on the market, preferably in GRP. Either of those would be more than suitable for what I'm looking for.

  7. Richard Woods
    Joined: Jun 2006
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    Richard Woods Woods Designs

    You might like to know that David Halliday of is about to start building a foam sandwich Eclipse, with maybe another one on the way

    The bottom photo maybe a Lars Oudrup Havcat 36. At the very least the photo shows the problems with a very angled daggerboard. imagine drying out against a quay wall with that (I wonder how they get on in Dutch locks?)

    Richard Woods of Woods Designs
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