a musical electric solar sailboat building

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by utatuka, Jul 17, 2011.

  1. utatuka
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    utatuka Registered Mad


    I am building a boat with zero money and zero income.
    I wanted to show the children and young people how!

    I would like to give here also the link of my blog (very new...)
    I can't tell all things here.. My English is not enough.

    Thanks to google translate!

    Thanks to my friends that helped to me!

    Her name is Ezginin Melodisi..
    Melodi: Melody
    Ezgi: The Turkish meaning of Melody

    So: The melody of the melody!
    Ezgi is my daughter...!

    the construction is proceed!

    The blog is in Turkish... In severel days it is translated to english... franch..deutsch.. spanish... and chinese... and marsish...
    hahaha if you wait 80 years long I will speak all these languages!

    But there are many pictures and videos that everyone understand what's going on!

    You don't need learn Turkish!

    This boat is a sailing boat... She has oars... She has the sun... She has an electric motor...
    The seats will be covered with broken solar cells.

    So my popo will sit on 2 thousand watts... Hahaha!

    She is a musical boat... on one side are there the notes from Led Zeppelin stairway to heaven.


    Other side the notes from our musical composition with Ezgi.


    The horn will play our music...
    The design of painting belongs to Ezgi.

    So here is my blog

    Cheeers from Turkey... The country of the sun...
    that sits in the dark!...


    happy birthday boatdesigners!

    will continue...

  2. daiquiri
    Joined: May 2004
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    That's a nice project, and it looks like Ezgi loves the idea. :)

    So, I wish you and your daughter good luck and great fun!

  3. utatuka
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    utatuka Registered Mad


    thank you very much... I have the fun!!!

    As 13 years old.. I was in Rome... that was very funny...
    I wanted to see the river... we walked 2 hours!

    my father looked to the map reverse!
    very funnyy!

  4. jim lee
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  5. utatuka
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    utatuka Registered Mad

  6. rwatson
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Wonderful story - this is what boats are great at.

    Thanks you very much.

  7. utatuka
    Joined: Jul 2011
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    utatuka Registered Mad

    the construction is continuing... but i didnt wait... We catched the fish with children..

    You are great... Thanks!
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