A Class Cat design/tuning blog

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by bad dog, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. bad dog
    Joined: Apr 2009
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    Location: Broken Bay, Australia

    bad dog bad dog

    There is now a blog to post photos of A Class cat rigs, deck layouts, whatever, and to discuss same...


    To post, you must assume the identity of A-cat Sailor, with the log in
    A.cat.sailors.blog[at]gmail.com (but insert @ for [at] - - this is to fool the spam bots)
    with the password
    Acatisbestcat (A-cat is best cat)
    ...and post away.

    If you use the same Title as others in the same vein it should keep the thread together. THere are two starters up there now: Mast rotation, and Hull shapes.

    It will probably get abused and spammed and who knows what, but hopefully we'll get some value out of it first. Save pics you want to reference later to your HD in case the blog goes down.

    Link it from any class association or club websites you can.
  2. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    A Class Cat

    BD, do you know a typical(if there is such a thing) mast length for a competitive A Class Cat?
    Thanks for the info above.
  3. Erwan
    Joined: Oct 2005
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    Erwan Senior Member


    I think 9 meters is the figure you are looking for


  4. aussiebushman
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    aussiebushman Innovator

    Actually, 9 metres from the gooseneck to the head, plus 250 mm from the mast base to the gooseneck


  5. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Thanks, Alan-appreciate the info.

  6. bad dog
    Joined: Apr 2009
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    bad dog bad dog

    Yep, 9m + gooseneck to base. If that isn't 95% of current masts, it must be 99%!
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