50+ year old seat brackets

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Soundside, May 28, 2019.

  1. Soundside
    Joined: May 2019
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    Soundside New Member

    Hi all,
    I'm reworking the seats in my '66 Slickcraft. These are on pedestals. The back and bottom of the frame are plywood and are fixed together with two brackets. See the photo. The brackets are made of u-channel, but the channel appears to have been produced with the angle preset. If they had been bent into this angle, the webbing would have buckled during the bending. I was hoping to replace them, but haven't been able to find any brackets like this anywhere. I may have to just reuse them, but they have some deterioration from rust (more than just surface rust, but maybe not catastrophic).
    Any ideas on suppliers or ways to easily replicate? brackets.jpg
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    You can bend U-channel with the proper dies. Check for shelf brackets at Homedepot.
  3. Soundside
    Joined: May 2019
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    Soundside New Member

    Thanks Gonzo. This metal is a good bit heavier than anything I've seen as a shelf bracket. But maybe the industrial strength offerings might have something I could utilize. It's strange, these pieces almost look like a low grade of stainless... when I started cleaning them up, there were some surfaces that were hardly touched by the corrosion, and almost had a stainless luster about them.
    Anyway, I'm formulating a plan. These things seem actually in fair shape. I think I'm going to bend a piece of 1/8" flat bar to fit in the inside corners and weld them in place to box the corners. That should reinforce them in the most important area.
    Thanks again.
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