34th America's Cup: multihulls!

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Doug Lord, Sep 13, 2010.

  1. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Live fleet racing now-you guys should check this out! Spectacular pass by the Kiwis and Spithill may be gaining it back upwind. This is fantastic!

    UPDATE: Kiwis win the final fleet race at this venue after losing the match racing to Spithill/Oracle! Artemis(Sweden) just beats Spithill for second because they were on starboard tack forcing Spithill/Oracle to tack!

    watch the video of todays race-very exciting: http://www.youtube.com/americascup#p/l

    Design News: Some of the boats are using square top jibs-small squaretop but squaretop nonetheless.....

    Click on this Chris Cameron photo to see the square top jib on Team NZ. The pic was posted earlier but I didn't notice the jib on this boat and on some of the others....

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  2. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC

    Next: September 10th-18th, Plymouth England and after that sometime between October and December San Diego....
  3. catsketcher
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    catsketcher Senior Member

    It great to watch
  4. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC

    Arrival in Plymouth: http://www.americascup.com/en/Latest/Blog/2011/8/Exit-Cascais-enter-Plymouth/

    From Scuttlebutt:

    One of the ideas to familiarize sports fans with the America's Cup is the
    production of the weekly magazine show - America's Cup Uncovered. These
    shows - posted on the America's Cup YouTube channel - provide
    behind-the-scenes sneak-peeks, athlete profiles and up-close action on and
    off the water. Ninety episodes are planned... here are the first four:

    ONE: (July 29, 2011) A global first, the new weekly magazine program
    America's Cup Uncovered is designed to connect viewers with the people,
    places and stories that are the backbone of the America's Cup. Featuring
    behind-the-scenes sneak-peeks, athlete profiles and up-close action on and
    off the water: http://www.youtube.com/user/AmericasCup#p/u/85/twhiFlNupoc

    TWO: (August 5, 2011) Episode 2 showcases the lead-up to the inaugural
    America's Cup World Series event, with a visit to Cascais, Portugal with
    some of the people who'll make it happen. Then it's to Artemis CEO Paul
    Cayard, who has won everything there is to win in sailing, except an
    America's Cup. We go home with him to San Francisco to find out where it
    all began and his quest to win the oldest trophy in international sport.
    Then, it's back in Portugal with Loick Peyron and Team Energy as they sail
    the AC45 for the very first time. And finally, we're in China and Korea --
    the Eastern-most frontier of the America's Cup:

    THREE: (August 13, 2011) This week's episode begins with the first
    America's Cup World Series Event in Cascais Portugal where we follow the
    man who's responsibility for making the event happen on the water. Next, we
    meet the teams who will be the center of the action. Then, it's off to
    Auckland where we go back in time to see the makings of the AC45, including
    a traditional Maori blessing of the boat. And finally we'll be there as the
    teams line up ahead of their very first race - a look behind-the-scenes as
    the athletes get prepared:

    FOUR: (August 18, 2011) This week's program begins with the inaugural
    America's Cup World Series event in Cascais, Portugal aboard Green Comm
    Racing, the Spanish challenger as they compete in the first ever AC500
    Speed Trial. Then, a day off from the sailing not just rest but also a
    focus on ocean conservation - join the teams as they help preserve the
    Cascais coastline. Next, it's front and center with Geordie Shaver,
    America's Cup commentator and former AC bowman, as he helps take America's
    Cup TV live for the first time. Then we're fresh off the race course, where
    Team Korea breaks down their racing after the beating America's Cup
    winningest skipper, Russell Coutts:

    YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/AmericasCup
  5. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  6. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  7. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

  8. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC---Schooner rigged AC72

    They could be serious: http://www.sautercarbonoffsetdesign.com/dyna-wings-calenger.html

    The DynaWing AC72 34th America’s Cup Challenger has a Schooner Rig featuring a hybrid Wingmast
    and boom furling mainsail combination that delivers a dynamic range of power options from a full sail array with Wingsail emulation efficiency to a gradual reduction of sails down to Wingmast reefing.

    The DynWing AC72 adheres to the ruling design parameters of the AC72, the length, beam and total
    sail area that includes a maximum of 2 wing segments

    DynaWing AC72 advantages when compared to the Oracle AC72 Wingsail

    •Under full power the DynaWing Schooner rig at the much lower height of 32 meters has the same sail area as the 40 meter Wingsail rig, but with a greatly reduced heeling moment.

    •The boom furling mainsails provide dynamic loading specifically aimed at tailoring the heeling moment when racing at high speeds in strong winds.

    •With a 4:1 aspect ratio each hybrid Wingmast retains the same level of efficiency under full load as the single 40 meter Wingsail. However when overpowered the hybrid Wingmast can shed the load while arriving at still higher aspect ratios.
  9. P Flados
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    P Flados Senior Member

    If the DynaWing folks are serious, they need to prove it on the water.

    They could build a 45' version and take it head to head against the current fleet.

    Or heck, build some other high performance cat pair with one a "standard" two element wing and one DynaWing.

    I am not from Missouri, but in the case "show me" is called for.
  10. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC---Plymouth

    from Scuttlebutt tonight:


    Following the inaugural event of the America's Cup World Series in Caiscais
    (Portugal), teams have moved their AC45s to Plymouth (England) in order to
    prepare for the second leg of the AC World Series (Sept. 10-18), which is
    due to start on Saturday. And expectations are for the thrill meter to

    Loick Peyron and the crew of Energy Team (FRA) have been training since
    last Thursday in Plymouth Sound, which is famous for hosting the start of
    the transatlantic race. The French challenger has been through five busy
    days of training in conditions that have often been quite rough. In fact,
    yesterday, the crew was forced to remain ashore.

    * What difference is there between Plymouth and Cascais?

    LOICK PEYRON: In Plymouth, the sea is bound to be rather choppy. This is particularly true when the wind is from the south in spite of the
    breakwater, because that doesn't hold back the sea completely, so we're
    looking at conditions that are rather more like the open sea.

    But this is a great place to race, and offers a good view to spectators
    from the famous Hoe with its green lawns. This is the place where the
    legendary transatlantic races begin (OSTAR). The sailing area is rather
    tricky with currents and extremely unstable winds. For the moment, we've
    been training in windy conditions in general. There have been quite strong
    winds to the extent that yesterday we weren't able to go out sailing.

    * How does the AC45 behave in such winds?

    LOICK PEYRON: The boat is designed for that, so that's not a problem.
    Occasionally, it means taking it to the edge and the precise limits are not
    that easy to find. When there are windy conditions, the only tricky
    manoeuvre is bearing away. Everything else is easy enough to deal with...
    sailing downwind and indeed upwind, especially in courses set up in the
    direction of the wind.

    But bearing away at the windward buoy requires you to find the right
    moment, the crew has to be in the right place, and you have to know whether
    it is risky or not to bear away and not accelerate too fast, which means
    that it becomes fairly complicated. As soon as there is too much wind, you
    reach a critical point. You have to be really careful, as the slightest
    mistake is hardly ever excused. We saw that on Monday with the Spaniards
    Full interview: http://tinyurl.com/ACUP-090711

    Plymouth schedule: http://tinyurl.com/ACWS-Plymouth-2011

    Viewers can tune in to the America's Cup YouTube channel.
    Featuring a multi-screen player, viewers can choose from live onboard
    footage, a graphical overview or an eagle's eye view, as well as from
    expert sailing or standard sports commentary as part of the daily
    livestreaming. The racing is also available on demand at

    9/10/11---Thanks to Jeff for pinning the AC channel/thread info to alert everybody that racing starts today in Plymouth in AC 45's!
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2011
  11. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready


    Wind! Today and forcast tomorrow-watch the rerun of the race today-use the link above or in the pinned post. In today's preliminary race Team NZ did well- and Russell Coutts won the speed trial.

    Unfortunately, as best I can tell at 2:42 EDT there does not appear to be any way to watch todays practice racing. If anybody finds the magic solution please post it here! Thanks.
  12. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC

    Lots of wind today. Team Korea just capsized trying to recover from a pitchpole. One other boat has apparently capsized.... Greencom just capsized...

    When you see the course notice the powercat -the "official" AC camera boat:

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  13. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC

    Spithill wins!-Emirates Team NZ still in overall lead-practice racing. Speed trial soon.....


    1. Emirates Team NZ
    2. Oracle Racing Coutts
    3. Artemis Racing: retired wing problems
    4. Oracle Racing Spithill
    5. China Team
    6. Team Korea-capsize!
    7. Energy Team
    8. Aleph: capsize!
    9. Green Comm Racing: capsize!(twice)-damage to top of wing-appears to be just film but could be worse...
  14. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC----Speed Trial

    --Fantastic capsize/pitchpole recovery by Jimmy Spithill
    --Coutts had one guy hanging off the transom
    --Coutts wins speed trial with incredible run-starting at 28mph

  15. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    34th AC

    Match racing starts Wednesday the 14th......
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