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26' Newick Trimaran free to a good home

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by salglesser, Oct 22, 2016.

  1. salglesser
    Joined: Apr 2012
    Posts: 58
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    Location: Colorado, USA

    salglesser Junior Member

    I Have the prototype of the “Outrigger 26”, also called the “Somersault”. I originally purchased the boat to restore and sail inter-island in Hawaii, but that “dream” never materialized. Work, family, and you know…
    26’ Over all. Demountable, no interior, rotating mast, I don’t think the sails are still good. All rigging. The person that I purchased the boat from had been sailing it so I think with some new sails, it is sailable. Dick Newick checked it out about 10 years ago and felt it was still good. No rot.
    The boat has been stored in Colorado for 17 years. I’m 74 and still actively involved in work, etc, and still too busy, so I don’t think I’ll get the opportunity to restore it. I am interested to give it to someone that can come to Colorado and take it. The trailer needs some work, so some time will be require to check it out before it can be taken.

    salglesser@aol.com 303-674-1950
  2. upchurchmr
    Joined: Feb 2011
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    upchurchmr Senior Member

    Do you have the boat still?
    Any details on what the trailer needs?
    Tires, Bearings, welding???
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