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24ft Trimaran plans for sale.

Discussion in 'Marketplace' started by oldsailor7, Oct 29, 2008.

  1. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member

    supply prices

    I wish I could get $10 marine ply, it costs about $50 a sheet in the US:mad: The jib on the Buc 24 is about the same size as several of the current sport boats, so good used sails are an option.
  2. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

  3. Phildave
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    Phildave Junior Member

    Old Sailor: Thanks for the two pages. I can read them. Appreciate it. David
  4. unionjak
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    unionjak Junior Member

    Study plans

    Hello oldsailor,
    Will you be making an in depth "how-to" for the buc 24 as i am very new to this game and would like to see if i can build this before i spend more money.

    Many thanks,
  5. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    I'll see if I can scan the building instructions and post them here. May take a day or two.
  6. unionjak
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    unionjak Junior Member

    Thank you oldsailor,

    Would you say that this boat would be suitable for the odd trip to France, if a quilified sailor undertakes the voyage or is she strictly in sight of the shore ?

    Many thanks again,
  7. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    The Buccaneer 24 is a very seaworthy boat.
    I built mine to enter the New York-Bermuda race,
    but had many very rough sails on the treacherous Lake Ontario, out of sight of land.
    A copy of my article "A Buccaneer for Bermuda" is included with the plans. :cool:
  8. bruceb
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    bruceb Senior Member


    I purchased my 24 from an owner on Chesapeake bay who had sailed and raced it for 20+ years, much of it single handed. The bay can get very rough quickly due to the shallow water. He said he had developed great trust in the Buc 24 to always get him home safely. I am still learning the boat, but my experience so far has me day-dreaming about a trip from Florida to the Bahamas. Bruce
  9. unionjak
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    unionjak Junior Member

    Thanks Bruceb and oldsailor7 for your replies, this looks like the one for me...

    I just hope she is one of the easier ones to build :)

  10. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    Steve. This is the easiest Tri I have ever built----and I have built nine over the years. :D
  11. Phildave
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    Phildave Junior Member

    Old Sailor: You should consider making that essay (A Buccaneer for Bermuda) available for those who are Buccaneer fans. A little "sizzle" helps sale the steak.
  12. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    That article is too long to put as a post on this thread.

    I have no intention of printing it as a mailout, as I already include it as a part of the plans package.

    If I was to rewrite it with a sequel and further information on possible (and some proven) upgrade changes, I would sell it on the web as a down-printable booklet.

    However unpalatable it my seem, I have to be very careful not to become exposed to legal liability claims.

    By making available the original plans---unchanged, I avoid any legal action available to a builder should anything go wrong.

    If I were to provide plans, or information for upgrading those plans---and a builder/sailor suffered loss or injury, I am open to liability claims.

    However if I simply suggest a particular modification which a builder might make, it is up to the builder to plan that out himself and incorporate it at his own risk.

    For instance I can advise how I modified the interior of my own B24 to have a folding double bunk in the main hull, converting the max sleeping accomdation to five. In practice the forward bunk area is usually used for sail stowage(and the head), which leaves a double and two single full sized bunks---suitable for the nuclear family. :D

    This is unlikely to get anybody into trouble.

    However, again for instance, If I were to supply info and drawings on converting the little Tri to wooden fixed crossbeams---and the boat broke up, with injury or loss of life, I would be liable for what could be horrendous legal damages.

    This sort of scenario has put any number of yacht builders and designers out of business and into bankruptcy.

    A sad comment on our litigious society. :(
  13. Phildave
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    Phildave Junior Member

    Old Sailor. Understood about not supplying plans. I was interested in reading your Bermuda essay.
  14. unionjak
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    unionjak Junior Member

    I thought the bucc was for suitable for 3(singles) if you dont use the forward bunk for sails....or having a poo :)

  15. oldsailor7
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    oldsailor7 Senior Member

    But you can build a seat to one side in the mainhull which has a false top.
    The false top flops over to the other side and the seat back squab drops down on it to make a snug double. :D
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