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2150 Pro Cat Molds for Sale

Discussion in 'Boat Molds' started by Ric@WorldWidePromotionals, Jun 24, 2019.

  1. Ric@WorldWidePromotionals
    Joined: Jun 2019
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    Ric@WorldWidePromotionals New Member

    These 2150 Center Console Bay Cat molds were in production from the late 80's until 2010 when the original company Pro Sports shut down due to the economy. Known as the Pro Cat’s model line with many dealers throughout the United States and Europe …..

    Shortly thereafter we purchased this center console catamaran as the most unique & desired model in their lineup. We spent several years in R&D to redevelop this bay cat for our personal shallow water angling, fishing, performance, and all-around boating.

    We wanted the best riding center console with the most available storage, modifying the CG for flotation, draft, optimum performance in fuel efficiency, comfort, and the ability to fish inshore, offshore, or easily tow anywhere we could trailer.

    Whenever we went to the boat ramp or pulled up on a sandbar we were solicited by other anglers wanting to know where they were manufactured and how they could buy one.

    Bottom line is these boats have a proven track record and were in demand prior to us improving upon what previously existed. We began building custom cats for each individual owner and even produced an 18’ and a 24’ from the same mold. We have been getting requests to build hundreds of these 2150 Bay Cat’s and less than two years ago two dealers from Texas who wanted fifty each.

    We are not a production boat builder and do not want to be. We have invested a substantial amount of money and thousands of ghost hours in customizing this awesome power catamaran. It is one of a kind because we can successfully run a single engine outboard without any cavitation or ventilation as well as twin engines.

    We would like to sell the molds to someone that has the ability and the facility to do volume production as these molds are being used now and ready to go. If you are serious and would like to dominate this rapidly expanding bay boat market with a 22’ catamaran. Then this is the one you have been looking for. She can outperform any 25’ to 26’ center console that is used as a bay boat, flats, inshore, offshore, or back country.

    We are fairly priced providing we can come to terms on how we can establish a relationship that works for the both of us.

    These molds consist of hull, deck ~ inner liner ~ console, includes optional XL- Console with optional toe-kick, live wells, hatches, etc. and are ready for production, on rolling steel frame, steel wheels, and rotating.

    For more information reach out to us at: 772-236-8289
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2019
  2. TreasureCoastRic
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    TreasureCoastRic New Member

    These cat's are very popular when being built by Pro Sports. Where can we go and see these at?
  3. Tom Huckery
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    Tom Huckery New Member

    are molds still for sale?

  4. Nick Ward
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    Nick Ward New Member

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