2018 R2AK underway

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Corley, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  2. Doug Lord
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  3. Niclas Vestman
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    Niclas Vestman Senior Member

    Looks like a fantastic race! Would have loved to take part. Just amazed it hasn't grown bigger. Why so few participents? Is it the 850$ fees?
  4. Doug Lord
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  5. cavalier mk2
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    cavalier mk2 Senior Member

    Was the proa entry a no show? They are having a hard time getting off the line in this race....
  6. BlueBell
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    They showed, the day before the race with the boat in pieces.
    Missed the start but went sailing anyway.
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  7. UpOnStands
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    UpOnStands Senior Member

    If you push a proa (no sails up) from the side of the pier will it track straight?
  8. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

  9. Doug Lord
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Day three(excellent)video:

    Day four video:

    Day five video:

  10. UpOnStands
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    UpOnStands Senior Member

    Congratulations to "Sail Like a Girl"
    Great to see the women winning, and winning by sheer determination. No flukes just sheer Persistent and Plentiful Pedal Power.
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  11. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    Congratulations are in order, but I think there is more to the win that you are ignoring. TSLAG ran the best, most professional campaign the R2AK has ever seen.
    -Greatest fundraising
    -Best equipped
    -best human propulsion of any boat with sailing ability
    -fastest sailboat of any with serious human propulsion plans

    Before you start the argument that the F-28 and F-31 trimarans are faster, let me point out that is only true reaching and in strong winds where the M32 has to reef earlier. Upwind the M32 points better, in variable conditions it stores energy from puffs better, and downwind it surfs better. IMHO the only way TSLAG could be beat was by weather conditions so severe that they were trapped in port while more robust or reckless teams sailed on -that never happened. And they didn't just pedal to the win. In the middle they out sailed the only teams that followed them through the first tides. I think this will change the calculus of what it takes to win the R2AK -6 crew for 24/7 human propulsion capability, and with 6 crew of ballast shifting, do you need a multihull?
  12. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    There were none of the really fast multihulls there this year as the crews had other commitments. Not to begrudge the Sail like a girl team their win though and they did well. Now if Dragon the 35' racing trimaran was sailing or the Marstrom 32 racing cat things most likely would have been quite different.
  13. Doug Lord
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    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018
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  14. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    I don't think you can say that without knowing what their human power configuration would have been. If they couldn't do 4 knots/hr average for at least 48hrs straight I think they would have missed a tide and been 6 hrs behind any of the sailing duels for the lead. I am completely speculating, but I would say that they would have gone with a crew of 3 max (likely 2) and an improvised pair of oars (because pedal stations add too much weight to their light boats) -so most likely they would have lost in the conditions this year.

    But do ask these non-participants. I think they will tell you they are sure glad they skipped rowing their boats to Alaska just to be beaten to the finish.

    In the Scuttlebutt article there is mention of some more experienced sailors that passed on joining TSLAG because they didn't think they could win. I sure hope the novices that filled in for them never let them forget they won! That story also screwed up the age of the boats -the M32 came out in 2005 and is as current as can be, the Olsen 30 that came in second is the three decade old boat.
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2018

  15. UpOnStands
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    UpOnStands Senior Member

    Great mid-race interview with Russel Brown

    Nearly sunk by a humpback. But his West Systems cat is very interesting. Looks it was designed to be quite "unstiff".
    Corley likes this.
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