1984 19 ft. BRC SeasSwirl open bow with OMC 3.8L. Replacing engine. Need pointers, please

Discussion in 'Sterndrives' started by Chris A Farwell, Nov 30, 2019.

  1. Chris A Farwell
    Joined: Nov 2019
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    Location: Spring Hill Fl

    Chris A Farwell Junior Member

    I'm trying to save myself some headaches during this swap. I have a 19 foot open bow BRC SeaSwirl with an OMC 3.8 (Chevy) engine and Stringer 800 (mechanical shift) sterndrive. The engine was not winterized and has cracked exhaust manifolds which allowed water into the combustion chambers. I sourced a replacement of the same year with the intermediate drive still attached. The only difference between the 2 is the old one is a 2 BBL and the "new" one is a 4 BBL and also has "power steering". I heard it run while on the pallet before purchasing and compression is good on all 6 cylinders. It is "drop in complete". I'll do a full tune up once it's in the boat. Will probably drop the oil pan while it';s in the air and give it good looking at and cleaning. I've already removed the sterndrive (w/o breaking the shift cables, thank God!) and plan on pulling the old engine out this winter. Are there any tricks I should know before I break something really expensive or impossible to find? It looks pretty cut and dry to me except for the shift cable. I have a new boot already and have the majority of the interior removed so I don't ruin my wife's hard work of replacing all of the vinyl. I've inspected the Ball gears coming out of the intermediate drive and they don't look terrible. I'll ballpark the wear at 25% (judging from pics of new ones). They pretty much match the amount of wear on the stern drive. Do I leave them as is or replace them while it's apart? If so, does anyone have a decent source for them? I'm aware of the problems with this sterndrive but want to keep it as it was built. I plan on getting it complete and using it for a little while then talking the wife into getting rid of it. I've got a total of $2300 invested total (boat, new engine, trailer, etc.) so far so I should be OK and not take too much of a loss on it and already have 2 other boats so don't really need it. I had the hull checked and it's fine except for being a little soft near the storage hatch in the floor. Will cut away the rotted wood and make the hatch bigger to resolve that. Not looking to do any more than break even if possible but also don't want to be "that guy" and screw someone over so want to fix correctly before selling it. Any and all help is appreciated.
  2. DCockey
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    DCockey Participant

    What is your time worth? What would be the difference in what you could sell the boat for with the replacement engine installed, rotted wood replaced, etc versus selling the boat and replacement engine as a project for someone else?
  3. Chris A Farwell
    Joined: Nov 2019
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    Chris A Farwell Junior Member

    I'm hoping for a sense of accomplishment and not too much of a financial hit. It's a boat. They cost money. I get that.

  4. Chris A Farwell
    Joined: Nov 2019
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    Chris A Farwell Junior Member

    Not sure if anyone is following this or not but, the Engine is out and I'm happy to say that the hull looks pretty good. Chain-fall and a tree worked great! Now to clean and probably paint the inside of the engine bay and neaten up the rats nest of wires before I put the rebuilt one in. Found one with the intermediate drive already installed. Only differences are the new one has a 4 BBL rather than a 2 BBL and the old one didn't have power steering. Doubt the carb difference will be an issue but not so sure about the power/ non power steering. Interior panels and seats have been recovered and are ready to install. need to build a new doghouse/ engine cover and decide if I want to build seats on either side of it. electronics are in and working. Hoping to have it in the water this summer. Still looking for advice on whether or not to replace the ball gears in the intermediate drive and the corresponding part of the stern drive. Anyone?

    Seaswirl engine hanging.jpg Seaswirl engine out.jpg
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