1983 Philip Villa Water Speed Record Boat

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by FranklinRatliff, Nov 21, 2011.

  1. FranklinRatliff

    FranklinRatliff Previous Member

    Ken Warby's second water speed record boat resembles in some important ways the 1983 WSR boat being developed by Philip Villa, Leo Villa's nephew.

    "Almost unknown in its day and so largely forgotten now, Project 'Q' or 'Quest' (for speed) was a serious attempt to break the World Water Speed Record which, after Donald Campbell's fatal attempt in 1967, had been ceded to the Australians. Conceived and designed in secrecy by Philip Villa, the nephew of Leo Villa, Malcolm and Donald Campbell's highly respected Chief Engineer. After a significant campaign of fund raising, development models were built and tested in wind tunnels and on water. The latter tests (on this model) suggested that, had the full-scale hydroplane been built, it would have been capable of over 400 mph, although in practice that record would have been achieved over a period of time, allowing a sparring match with other contenders. In the event however, personal difficulties combined with a tough economic climate saw the project founder."

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  2. mike165
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    mike165 New Member

    I was in Ken Warby's support crew At Blowering Dam in the snowy mountains
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  3. Blowtorch
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    Blowtorch Junior Member

    What are the "important ways".
  4. FranklinRatliff

    FranklinRatliff Previous Member

    Pretty much everything from the cockpit forward.
  5. Blowtorch
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    Blowtorch Junior Member

    You understand that the Quest is a slightly modified version of Bluebird, complete with outrigger sponsons, painted red and other than useing a tailplane, is nothing like "Aussie Spirit".
  6. FranklinRatliff

    FranklinRatliff Previous Member

    Yeah, just as Spirit of Australia was nothing like Hustler.

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  7. Loosecannon
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    Loosecannon Junior Member

    Yes.... to the un-educated they are the same boat, have you seen both boats in the flesh????.....

    Geeezzz,,,,,,,, The red Bluebird up to is NOTHING like Aussie Spirit.................. just because they copied Warby's T-tail...... that means Warby copied them????...... Aussie Spirit WAS released to the Press in 1979...FACT .... not old guy waffle

    You had better get your fact's correct Franklin before mouthing off at projects you know NOTHING about, nor been involved with
  8. FranklinRatliff

    FranklinRatliff Previous Member

    Yeah, Hustler is a J-46 boat. Spirit of Australia is a J-34 boat.

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  9. Loosecannon
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    Loosecannon Junior Member

    Yeah both have a pointed nose and a jet engine.... that is it,...... ever looked under both in person??
  10. FranklinRatliff

    FranklinRatliff Previous Member

    Ever looked at a Rich Hallett Banzai?

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  11. Loosecannon
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    Loosecannon Junior Member

    Canadians were doing pointed nose hydro's in the 50's....... so what...... a pointed nose... is that it !!

    So you haven't seen either boat in person??

    I have seen under both Hustler and Spirit of Australia in the flesh, they are two very different boats , but what's under them doesn't matter right??

    how can you comments on something you have NEVER seen,
  12. FranklinRatliff

    FranklinRatliff Previous Member

    The integrated SPONSONS and narrow width make the front of Spirit of Australia a BANZAI bow. Your comments are idiotic.
  13. Loosecannon
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    Loosecannon Junior Member

    So you don't have a clue what's under them do you........... circuit boats in limited class hydroplanes in the 50's had that bow too.......

    Back to the magazines Franklin !!!
  14. FranklinRatliff

    FranklinRatliff Previous Member

    Circuit boats were much wider. Rich Hallett drag boats were designed for straightline racing only, which is why they were narrower. Rich Hallett also built Hustler, based on his Banzai drag boat design. Spirit of Australia has a Rich Hallett bow because it's a Hustler clone.

  15. IMP-ish
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    IMP-ish powerboater

    Will you post a few photos Loosecannon? Please....
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