1981 Caddo 1983 Johnson 70hp leaking from gasket

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by nanoman, Jun 28, 2014.

  1. nanoman
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    nanoman Junior Member

    hi i just bought my first boat its a 1981 Caddo with a 1983 Johnson 70hp motor boat needs some work motore seams to be in descent shape only thing i noticed is that motor is leaking oil from a gasket im assuming can some one tell me the name of this part and the name of gasket i will need to fix it thanks in advance and excuses my ignorance look forward to learning about boats

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The photo shows the air box. Can you point out where the leak is?
  3. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    He has an arrow pointing to the bottom of that air intake cover, at a guess there is leakage of fuel from when the motor has been tilted, and it has left an oily residue.
  4. nanoman
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    nanoman Junior Member

    yes that is i put the arrow where its liking from correct i order a Air Silencer Cover Gasket hopefully that will do it someone mention that it might be my carburetor im hoping that's not the case
  5. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Probably not an issue, imo. If a carb gasket was leaking, it would be dripping off the carbs. When you fully tilt the engine, fuel spills out the front to some extent, the air silencer gasket is probably not seating properly, isn't there a hose that connects back to the engine from the air silencer cover, that drains that fuel away ?
  6. nanoman
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    nanoman Junior Member

    i have no clue to be honest its my first boat so totally ignorant been researching and learning as much as i can
  7. PAR
    Joined: Nov 2003
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Welcome to the forum.

    Some leakage is pretty normal, as mentioned, from the engine being tilted and the fuel/oil mix dribbles out.

    The very first part you should buy is the appropriate repair manual.


    The gasket you want is available and usually called the carb cover gasket, but it's likely you'll have other "issues" to contend with on this engine, considering it's over 3 decades old. The first place to start is "leveling the playing field" with a comprehensive tune up and replacement of the "consumable" parts, such as impeller, plugs, etc. The reason you do this is so you know exactly the age and condition of these parts, for future replacement or service. Simply put, you can't just look at an impeller (for example) and say it's fine. You'll just learn what it means to over heat you engine and have to paddle a few miles back to the dock. You replace the consumables at regular intervals, so you don't have to paddle your powerboat.
  8. nanoman
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    nanoman Junior Member

    hey par thanks for the advice i just bought Johnson Evinrude Outboard Motor Service Manual Repair 60hp To 235hp 1973-1991 yesterday ordered the gasket so hope fully that will do still need to do some touch ups on the haul so probably wont be a few months before i get her in the water i plan on getting a trolling motor so hopefully i will never need to paddle lol
  9. nanoman
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    nanoman Junior Member

    anyone know how to renew my boat trailer on line

  10. nakupanda
    Joined: Dec 2013
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    nakupanda Junior Member

    Did you check the fuel level of the carburetor(s) ? It causes fuel leaking if it's too high.
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