1965 Starcraft Holiday windshield issue

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by passthru, Feb 9, 2024.

  1. passthru
    Joined: Feb 2024
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    passthru New Member

    I have a 1965 Starcraft Holiday 18, I'am having an issue with the windshield coming loose and away from the lower window frame in the wind. It's the single windshield with two panes joining together in the center. There is a screw-on clip at the top of the center trim piece and another, strange looking clip that screws on to the lower window trim, then justs seems to hold the glass pane in place with pressure , (it doesn't do, or look like it's supposed to do a good job of that either ! I do wonder what thickness of glass Starcraft used originally, these two window panes have been replaced with 1/8" or 3/16 " plexi. Just the center of the window , (both panes) are coming loose at the center. I do not see any type of hold-down on the interior of the window. Any help would be greatly appreciated !

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  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    She looks very nice, and in good condition.
    Is the hull aluminium?

    Could you maybe post some photos showing more details of the windscreen arrangement please?
  3. passthru
    Joined: Feb 2024
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    passthru New Member

    Yes ! I tore the windshield apart today. It's quite evident by the condition of the cuts on the plexi that a real , "slipshod" job was put on the windshield replacement in the past. Excess plexiglass on the corners where it meets the side windows and not seating the lower edge of the panes. This Mercury was purchased in 2002 new, but the gentleman, who only used this boat once or twice a year to haul it from central Idaho to the Columbia for Sturgeon fishing. Unfortunately,, I'm sure that he hadn't planned on passing earlier in 2006. So, I'm sure that he never considered draining the fuel before then. It sat 16 years in a heated shop until the family chose to have the estate sale. I guy I know bought it there, goofed around with it for a while until I purchased it last year. My mech. had it for a year going through everything, mechanical, electric, electronic, fuel and carbs, after going through everything he decided to go back to carb, and found where on the number 4 carb, someone had tried to clean the needle valve seat with a screwdriver ! Ten minutes with a burr tool and she runs like new ! The mechanic sais that he could sell such a pristine motor for $7,000 to ! 8,000 within two days, this motor has less than 100 hrs. on it ! I passed . Running , and looking like off the showroom floor. Here's some pics. Thank you for your interest ! The boat is dry as a bone! Yessir, all aluminum, completely dry, check tbe seats, the original 1965 Starcraft lay-down bench seats in premium condition ! Not a braggart, just amazed that "I" fell in to such a wonderful old classic ! ( doesn't happen often !

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  4. Banjo1
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    Banjo1 New Member

    You wouldn't happen to know where the Bimini top and all the side panels come from would you?
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  5. passthru
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    passthru New Member

    Hi ! Yes, of course. The full weather enclosure, (there is also a wonderful access/egress rear panel!) was custom built by, Jorgensen Fabrics in Twin Falls, Idaho, 208-293-7370. Kevin also, bends and installs the bows, which he does something really neat, he installs steel pipe inside the chrome, aluminum pipe bows for wonderful support !
  6. Banjo1
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    Banjo1 New Member

    Thank you, a little to far to do me any good from him anyway. But I do live in Florida and there are plenty of boat upholstery places here and I'm going to pretty much copy yours. Not exactly sure how your side panels go on but I'm also going to have nets made so that way I don't have to worry about the mosquitoes if I don't want the solid panels on. If you don't mind me asking roughly what did it cost you to have that made.

  7. passthru
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    passthru New Member

    Hi Banjo ! The panels have heavy nylon zippers at the top, heavy snaps on the bottom, and the thumb locks at the rear corners. $ $1500.00 a heavy marine grade waterproof canvas with heavy clear poly windows. Have a good one !
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