1964 18hp fast twin Evinrude

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by valvebounce, Feb 22, 2012.

  1. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Hi,I have the chance of buying the outboard above.
    The seller says it was running well until he fiddled with the carb needle.
    He says it starts ok,but then cuts out.Anybody got any ideas?
    I live in the UK,are parts still available for this model?
    I have a 1960's 13ft speedboat,converted for sea fishing,would this engine get it to plane?
    Any advice will be gratefully recieved
    Best regards
  2. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Dont know...I had a old Johnson Seahorse up to untill 10 years ago and many parts were available.

    Those outboards were popular in the US.. buy the service manual...perhaps its free on the net. then do some googling for parts

  3. keysdisease
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    keysdisease Senior Member

    Would that be a pressurized fuel system that was used by Johnson up until around that time? There was a 2 line fuel hose and the tank was pressurized by a thumb pump on the tank?

    Otherwise its a carb issue. as you have noted. If it starts then it's got spark and fuel, the problem is most probably in the carb.

  4. PAR
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    It's likely he thought he was doing a good thing when he used an abrasive pad on the gummed up needle. This is the quickest way to ruin it and you symptoms suggest this is precisely what he's done. Clean the carb properly and replace the needle. Assuming the passages and jets are clear (and sized correctly, it'll start and run normally.
  5. cor
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    cor Senior Member

    Those old OMC motors can work great.

    Go over to the www.duckworksmagazine.com site and search for the articles by Max Wawrzyniak. He is an expert on keeping those old motors going. He wrote a lot of article for Duckworks and they may even have a book by him all about those motors. New and used parts are available.

  6. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    1964 evinrude 18hp fast twin

    Many thanks gentlemen,your advice has given me food for thought.
    The boat I intend to use it on is an old 13ft 1960's fibreglass speedboat.I think the heaviest part of it will be the new deck,which will be 0.75" glass reinforced marine ply.I dont expect it to weigh too much,even including the seats,passengers etc.I am converting the transom from short shaft to long shaft and adding a "splash tray" in front of the motor on PAR's advice.
    Can anybody give me a rough idea of the performance I might expect.
    i.e.Planing and fuel consumption.Probably at half to thee quarters revs,and some trolling.
    Best regards
  7. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    The seller reckons the engine was running rich,which caused him to fiddle with the needle.Do the needles have a notched shaft to alter their height?
    I wondered if maybe he has put it back on the wrong notch,or even let it slip thro' the clip.I think the guy is a biker,so he probably knows not to emery the needle.Mind you,who knows,some people never learn do they.
  8. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    I can't remember that specific engines carb, but it would be reasonable to assume it has multiple clip lands (grooves) so it can be used across several platforms. I can't tell you how many bikers that should have known better whos' bikes I've fixed. It's a cheap fix, but no guarantee, so buying half a century old outboards, without researching parts availability and/or having antique engine experience wouldn't be a wise course to sail. What is the reason you want such an old engine?
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    FAST FRED Senior Member

    In the USA Napa has a great catalog of marine parts . loads for these motors ,

    AS I happen to own a '64 -18 hp unit , and parts are cheap.

    Napa in the UK? Friend in the USA?


  10. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Its only 2 years over half a century!! but in Uk it does'nt matter you can always call the RNLI to save you.

    Its great you can go to sea in crap and they send a 1/2 million pound helicopter for you.
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