13~14' flats/scooter

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by Joshua Nickels, Jun 10, 2020.

  1. Joshua Nickels
    Joined: Jun 2020
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    Joshua Nickels New Member

    Hello, My dad and I have been wade fishing together for years, sadly he's getting to the point of not being able to get over some of the seawall rocks we have to climb to get into the indian river. So we have been talking about boats, but both of us kind of want to build one, now i'd be lying if i said we've had experience, we dont. but we also just want the challenge. we also have limited space. and per our HOA we have to have the boat in the garage.

    So I was wondering if you all knew of any 13' to 14' flats style boat or scooter type that can hold 2 people, about 350 pounds between the both of us. also don't need anything more than above a 9.9hp engine.

    Thanks, and sorry for being probably yet another newbie asking questions about all of this :D
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  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Joshua.

    Would you prefer to have one of those flats type of boats where you are sitting / standing on the boat, a bit like a smaller version of what is discussed in this thread -
    Help drawing and design Texas Scooter boat https://www.boatdesign.net/threads/help-drawing-and-design-texas-scooter-boat.63386/

    Or would you prefer to have a boat that you are sitting in (rather than on), perhaps similar to the boats in the links below?

    Flat Skiff 14 (FL14) - Study Plans https://bateau.com/studyplans/FL14_study.php?prod=FL14

    Spira International Inc - Crawdad Jon Boat https://spirainternational.com/hp_craw.php
    Have a look also at the study plan for the Spira boat -
  3. Joshua Nickels
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    Joshua Nickels New Member

    I think we're both leaning more towards the standing on top like the texas scooter due to arthritic knees not bending so well. same reason he can't get over the rocks to wade fish.
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

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  5. Joshua Nickels
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    Joshua Nickels New Member

    well after looking over some of those designs I think I will go with the FRS-15 after looking at some trailers i should be able to make the FRS-15 and trailer fit in the garage. 19' garage
  6. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    @Joshua Nickels , free construction drawings for this 17' skiff, for you. If interest send me a pm.

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    PROPGUNONE Junior Member


    I’m biased, of course, but Ill cut you a deal on the drawings. This isnt a step-by-step guide though, just dimensions and scantlings. 6-15HP 55AE2680-AE37-407A-8F7F-00182F899116.jpeg
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