12th edition of Transat Jacques Vabre: 8 Tris (Multi50 & Maxis) started on Sunday

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Skip JayR, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. Skip JayR
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  2. Skip JayR
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    Macif close to the finish line...

    Maxi Trimaran Macif will make it next 2 hours to finish TJV2015. Now on direct course... till ~31 nm to go at 21 kn speed. Sodebo is 113-114 nm behind.

    Seems to become a finish after 12 days 17 hours sailing around midnight "local time" on Brazil coast. Mostly the "night images" with Bengal fires arent very cool... not seeing a lot from the boat.

    Transat Jacques Vabre 2015 : Le Havre - Itajai. Suivi Cartographique

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  3. Skip JayR
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    less than one hour to sail for Macif....

    less than one hour to sail for Macif.... ETA: 05:48 am UTC to finish TJV2015 -LiveTracker: http://bit.ly/1Nyw9Zq

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  4. Skip JayR
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    Maxi Trimaran Macif wins TJV2015: Congrats to François Gabart & Pascal Bidégorry

    At dawn around 04:00 am local time (06:04 am UTC) on Saturday morning front Brazil coast / Itajai the Maxi Trimaran MACIF with skippers François Gabart & Pascal Bidégorry crossed the finish line after the start on French coast (Le Havre) 12 days 17hours and 29’27” minutes ago…. First snaps of the arrival just coming in. – Congrats !

    2nd place behind is Trimaran Sodebo still 80 nm front coast. Thomas et Jean-Luc will arrive in next 3-4 hours. See live tracker: http://tracking.transat-jacques-vabre.com/fr/

  5. CT249
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    The answer could also be that a container far enough from the centreline of a mono to have smashed the port ama would have been passed by without the boat getting scratched. What I can't work out is how both ama bows were damaged and yet the main hull seems fine. Can anyone fill me in?

    I'm an NOT saying that a multi is more dangerous than a mono; I think the multis unsinkability is a major advantage (although many people grossly exaggerate how often monos sink). However, something of similar draft and much greater width seems to be more likely to hit things. Obviously a tri with a hole in a hull is in a better condition than most monos with a whole in a hull, but this case doesn't seem to show an advantage for multis.

    The whole mono/multi thing is so tiresome and full of prejudice and people trying to claim superiority for their type (and themselves, of course...). I just found one idiot pointing out that no cats capsized in the '79 Fastnet. The fact that there were no cats in the race seems to have passed him by.
  6. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The main hull on the Multi50 trimaran is damaged but apparently it's below the waterline.
  7. Skip JayR
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    Yes... it was reported after the crash. I'd have presented it... but the team didnt deliver some snaps, yet.

    Lets see when the boat is craned out of the water to see the fully damage.
  8. Skip JayR
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  9. Doug Lord
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    Thats great for Macif! Congratulations for a terrific effort....

    Jay, from the few pictures I've seen I think they sailed w/o their ama foils -is that right? UPDATE: just watched their arrival video(great!) and they had at least the stb foil and I thought I caught a glimpse of the port foil towards the end.
  10. Skip JayR
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    close to the finish line...

    Dough, 32 nm to the finish line Macif still sailed with 20-21 knots, so the foils had their effect of uplifting the boat. 4.2 nm to the finish line the speed reduced to 16-17 knots (see attachment)... then steadily and quickly falling.

    The live tracker which is differently from the regularly tracker actualized the datas for last 5 nm to target every 30 seconds... http://tracking.transat-jacques-vabre.com/fr/live/

    Crossing the finish line close under land the speed slowed down to 6-7 knots. So I suppose the foiling effect was "0". Not relevant anymore. I missed to press the "screenshot button" as the "live tracker" even is not a live tracker, it has a delay of round 10 minutes roughly to real time. Next TJV they should use some more powerful servers :p

    This "live tracker" has no "playback function" so you cannot proof it on your own.

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  11. Skip JayR
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    Multi50 front IMOCA...

    huhu.... that might become a tough battle between IMOCA and Multi50... now Multi50 Fenetrian Prismyian is front leading IMOCA PRB with 5.4 nm closer to target. Cool. But PRB has a higher speed (16 kn) compared to Fenetrian Prismyian (14.7 kn).

    But still more than 1210 nm to go.... some unexpected surprises can come along.

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  12. wet feet
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    wet feet Senior Member

    Salut Macif!
  13. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    They only have one float foil on the starboard side at the moment as the onboard videos recorded during the race clearly show. They moved better in lighter conditions which isn't surprising since Macif is two tonnes lighter than Sodebo.


  14. Doug Lord
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    I could have sworn I saw a faint image of a raised port foil in the arrival video just before the two guys fell. I guess not.....

  15. Corley
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    Corley epoxy coated

    The lip of the case is there on the port side perhaps that's what you saw? An interesting thing to me is the foil controls for AoA and raising and lowering the foil must be inside the float. I'm looking forward to seeing some info on how that is done but have not seen anything as yet.
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