Dear all, I am a research engineer starting out with CFD using Star-CCM+. I am new to this forum, but I was hoping to receive guidance from your...
I was studying about the safety requirements for passenger ship catamaran type. For example the vessel Bona Vida has the capacity of 200...
Could you please tell me if there exists any empirical formula to estimate the center of the gravity of ship based on the vessel's particulars?...
Hi, We would like to buy winch machine for our dockyard. Could you please tell me what are the things we need to take into account to purchase a...
Could you please tell me the disadvantages of portable winch for docking and undocking purposes using airbags? Can I also use the portable winch...
Do I need to take into account CCA for electric outboard/inboard motor? Does CCA have any impact for electric motor? I see most of the boats of...
Hello, I am currently on the search for a ship designer to allow for a first draft of a cargo sailer ship! If you are ambitions and want to...
Hi, I have a query about ECR (Engine Control Room). Is it mandatory for a vessel? In a vessel I have an Engine Room and a Generator Room. The...
Hello there, As I'm working on Holtrop resistance prediction method, I would like to know how to find the Angle of entrance value. I have used the...
Hello, Initially my ship is in at Zero heel(TCG=0) with a displacement. But when I increase the value of VCG(KG) , at a certain point(Above...
Hi, I have come across a nonclass Tug Boat that is already built. The vessel is experiencing too much rolling and pitching. The principal...
Hello, I am a student of Naval Architecture. I am doing scantling of midship section. I have calculated section modulus for various member. I...
Hi, I am doing stability calculation for a passenger vessel. I am modelling in Maxsurf. I have made the model in Rhino and then imported in...
I teach at Southern Maine Community College. We are redesigning our Marine Design certificate, which we offer in partnership with Bath Iron Works,...
Good Evening. I am having problem deciding the specifications of my propeller, I have already obtained the curves for Resistance and Power vs...
Hello, I am currently a student and I have been assigned to calculate the Stability for a 6.0 m in Length and 2.4 m in Beam motorboat using the...
LOA - 3.80 m Beam - 1.85 m Hull workshop documentation available.
I have a problem in validating the results of a ship motion from aqwa and maxsurf. When i calculated rao, the result look like same. But when i...
Anybody familiar with evacuation plan of passenger vessel? Is it applicable for existing ships?
First short introduction. I'm currently living in Japan on a small island of volcanic origin with amazing fishing grounds around. Recently i got...