I am pleased to share with you my new version 3.1 of Gene-Hull Dinghy , a spreadsheet application oriented for an early stage project : this...
I am pleased to share with you my thoughts and two propositions about the hull shape of sailing dinghies in relation with their planing mode :...
We open this thread together with @Veloceruss as we have collaborated on this project since Russ started his thoughts late 2019, shared with you...
Hello Pete here from SW Western Australia, I could really use some pointers to the mathematics and theory of planing hulls, windsurf and water...
Hi Guys, I am new to forum and see their are some very helpful members with good knowledge on the Boat Design topic. I am busy studying boat...
Hey there, I'm reading and reading tons of threads here for a few month now I would like, if possible to have a bit of help on planing hull...
Preferably plywood* and with free plans, or at least lines. I am thinking about making a Footy RC sailboat. Seems like all the Footy's I've seen...
1st thank you for welcoming me to this forum! I will try not to ramble too much as I describe my overall plan, and the reasons for the compromises...
Hello, I’m interested in sailing and have been wondering about hull shapes for sailboats. I’ve found information about the type of hull I’ve been...
Concept 60' planing yacht
I designed and built this Asymmetrical Catamaran from scratch.This is the second one and is designed as a stable fishing boat for 2 with a center...
First hull under way.
18mm MDF building jig.
Composite planing boat, powered by 60 hp outboard.
Planing fibreglass motor boat 5,5 m lenght. 5 persons of capacity and outboard engine 125 PS.
draft of planing boat.