High Speed Pilot boat with semi wave-piercing planning hull form for Maloy Verft AS
Dix 43 Pilot radius chine steel or aluminium cruiser
Dix 38 Pilot radius chine steel or aluminium cruiser
Making progress! Just one of the hundreds of photos at http://home.att.net/~schmidttl/ - Home of the Journal of the Molly B
We are currently building aluminium 45f sailing boat of Graham Radford design. Made this beta version web page about the progress for my friends;...
west system cold molded over strip planking. stem; keel and stern post oak &epoxylaminated; wooden dowels and bronze screws reinforced....
Modeled hull and deck to match existing house model.
teak&epoxy deck over okoume plywood. cold molded interior; strip planking&cold molded cabin sides , details www.yacht.ro
32 ft Bristol Channel Pilot Cutter Lyle Hess Design, west system strip planking & cold molding built .
douglas fir-white spruce strip planking (routered) , West Sys. & barbed bronze nails fastened+3mm mahogany x 3 layers cold molded. Then all...
Not sure _exactly_ which schooner she is. Started by a friend of the family in the 50's, new wood and deck is my work - I have a looooong ways to...