For Oughtred designed 12 ft. canoe Wee Rob, home building jog, with designers construction guide. This type of boat is a paddling/sailing canoe,...
Interior looking aft.
Interior looking forwards. Fresh water tank is built in under the bunk.
Very traditional galley lay out only that everything is laminated from carbon sandwich panels with foam core. Even the ice box!. The whole bench...
View of the cockpit area when the deck was first fitted to the hull. The mass of the complete deck is just under 200 kg and features carbon skins...
View of the interior without deck of the Bondi 36. All components are carbon sandwich with foam core. In the aft cabin area the water ballast...
Curing of the deck bond under vacuum. The collision bow area was laminated at the same time. The collision bow was laminated over a foam core...
surface drive parts
Surface drive parts ready for welding
A Hal Kelly design being modifided to run a motorcycle engine with surface drive
A Hal Kelly design with a mock-up of a home built surface drive
Building a catamaran over the summer, getting ready to paint.