Hello everyone, I'm seeking some insight and confirmation regarding a project I’m currently working on. Specifically, I want to calculate the...
Hi I’m researching for my thesis on how to find the optimal propeller for an electrified version of a current boat. What I have: Hull...
Dear Altruist, I would like to calculate damage stability (Probabilistic and deterministic) by manual calculation, I mean in MS Excel. Can...
Could you please explain me what is final loading manual for a ship? Class would like to check preliminary still water bending moment data. Though...
Happy New Year all, I built a boat many years ago and after 25 years, I finally took that mast down to check it and do some modifications. The...
Dear Boatdesigners, For quite some time I am struggling in finding method to do the mullion or pillar calculation. I am working on the 50 ft GRP...
Can you please suggest a tool (software or online tool) that can analyze a submarine hull shape and give the total drag at a specific velocity. A...
Greetings, Boat Design Veterans, I have just imported an outrigger sailing canoe from France to Switzerland, where I live. This 16 ft va'a, that...
Hi to all I want share this great resource for Ship design and building on web with a lot of resource and online application. Ship Lab – Ship...
Hey, guys, There was a poll in this forum section, asking what software you use to design boats/ships. I noticed some of you like to use...
Hello everyone, I am currently working on a university project where we want to calculate the resistance of a hull with statistical methods. At...