Hey, congrats on the internship! Working on hydrostatic stability for barges can be a bit complex, but it's definitely doable with Excel. Start by...
When you got heeling and trim angles to deal with, the Bonjean curve can still help you out. It's a bit more complex, but you can break it down...
Having water ballast on a boat is all about balance. If you have too much water on one side, it can make the boat heel excessively, which could...
Social media can be a powerful tool, especially if you're operating on a tight budget. Sharing pictures of your boats, posting about the building...
I totally agree with that. And that doesn't just apply to boat building, but to all types of businesses. A business is a very complex system, and...
My GA? I didn't post my GA and it doesn't contain those. Don't get what you mean. Are you asking me if this is my case how I'll calculate them?
First you go to the classification society rules, in my case ABS. You will calculate the SM & Thickness of each member. Later you will use maxsurf...
hi there I am working on a project of offshore supply vessel i calculated the Structural members using ABS Rules i added the members using maxsurf...