Although my brothers youngest daughter is serving in the Australian Army, the chances me ever vsiting Australia (Brisbane) are small to none,...
OK about the entry regs, I thought you meant like the guy should have checked the internet before entering Australia when the internet wasn't born...
Yeah, that skipper must have been a ***** not to look at the internet for proper procedures to enter Australia by the 1970's/1980's.......
Everything is good to create waves.......:D
60 ft sailboat, microwave, freezer......sounds very Spartan if you're used to cruise the Queen Mary LOL !!! They never should have made sailing...
What's wrong with you dude, stepped out of bed with the wrong leg ? People are trying to give their opinion in a polite way, no need to get rude...
I agree, with 35 years expêrience in sailboat design,3 patents on advanced sailboat design,one funded through MIT Inovation Center, a Bachelor...
Yeah, sometimes 2 "different" songs can sound "a bit" the same....
Looks indestructable to me Manie !! Very good !!! All the best of luck mate on your maiden trip !!
Which indicates that they spend more time on the sea than in their cars...:D:D
Imagine the football field size memorial if it had to include all the names of people who died in car accidents the last 50 years....:D
Nice "touch down"........on the wrong side of the field :D:D:D LOL !!!
No problem upchurchmr, I've never been accused from "speed thinking" so........;);)
Of course the comparrison is silly, that's rather obvious, the smiley should have indicated that. Mr. up-church and mother Theresa have nothing...
Tansl, NOBODY can play with his life, he decides to accept the advize or neglect it, it's up to him to go to sea with whatever he decides to...