I don't think a foil where you describe placing it would work, it would be constantly ventilated. From the picture but it looks like the prop...
If you chop off the pointy part of the bow that is above the waterline, you will have a square transom in front. You could do the same to the...
He has an incomplete understanding of hydrodynamics, specifically how a hull behaves at the interface of two fluids of vastly different densities....
The Hood Canal bridge does not raise up like a drawbridge, instead it raises a long section of roadway vertically, then retracts the rest of the...
We've got three floating bridges around here, two on Lake Washington (fresh water) and one in Hood Canal. I have felt more movement on regular...
What makes you think that a jet is more efficient? A jet drive would be terribly inefficient in this application. I am skeptical that any jet...
It is not clear to me what the constraints of the course are. For a small boat with a single prop and rudder it is not too difficult to maneuver...
I think you are underestimating the forces at that depth. Water pressure at ten feet is approximately 5psi. A one foot square flat panel would...
I've built a half dozen small boats, re-built a couple more and have worked on more than I can remember. Two months ago I bought my first set of...
I have been using Free!Ship Plus for quite a while now. I have downloaded and tried DelftShip a couple times, and while I cannot remember the...
I am not disagreeing, but would like to point out that the Rick Willoughby style of flat bottom human powered stabilized monohulls has been shown...
I've built quite a few models using laser cut card stock. I used the old DOS program "hulls" or FreeShip to create the developed plates. I've also...
A typical trolling motor is not great at getting rid of excess heat. The housing which holds the magnets are well cooled by the surrounding water...
All the brushless motors I have dealt with have been symmetrical in that regard. Swap any two wires and they run the opposite direction. However,...
I think this would be very easy to figure out using free software such as FreeShip. Even the old DOS program "Hulls" could manage it. They both...