so maybe the same enviroment unfriendly as normal epoxies but less strong
Hi, what do you say about biobased epoxies compared to petrolium epoxies in terms of bonding to wood, tensile strenght and fatigue, longevity?...
Hi AJB, I appreciate your effort but something that you have written sounds nice but seems like undoable if not impossible to me like "plug...
Yes, I have got you. shock loads and fatigue of the spreaders will be transfered to the mast by the brackets and i agree that there is too much...
AJB, Do you mean that, if these fatigue cracks appears at these joints, we should be suspicious about the mast itself? I am not sure but i...
Hi Bajansailor. I think inspecting can be done while the mast is up. But if many of the joints needs rewelding then it will be better to take the...
hi rangebowdrie, it would be better that way but unfortunately not.
it is 4 spreader mast, i am not sure but i guess around 25 metres maybe some more. it is a 40 years old boat and the mast as well. the owner says...
Hi, in the boat that i am the captain, there are parts that connect spreaders to the mast(as normal:)) as you can see at the "pic1". these...
thank you Bajansailor, I checked the links you posted. there are very useful informations. I think the best thing i can do is to find a...
Hi, unfortunately the boat is on the water, not on hard. it seems like a boat from late 70' or early 80's, fairly good made IOR boat. do they...
hi guys , I will just start to work on an aluminium boat as captain. the boat is a "maxi class" boat. normally when i start a job as captain i...