Hello Wellington Sorry for late reply as just returned from holiday. OK the Colvic Watson 23'-6" was the last of the Colvic Watson's to be...
Why bother with a float switch unless it's a BIG bilge pump? I bought one of these (Whale Supersub 650) to go under my engine two years ago and...
Hi Mike Will this help you http://www.vicprop.com/displacement_size.php Mike
Not an expert on the Buckler 24 and it's the same boat but there is a 'Buckler M1 & M2 brochure (not manual) available from Mike Davies here :-...
“Believe me, my young friend, there is nothing - absolutely nothing - half so much worth doing as simply messing about in boats.” ― Kenneth...
The coated many of the Olympic yacht hulls with it http://www.protect-tapes.com/products/composite Mike
Hi CDK- Low Water Tempreture :D Yep you are right, you do not want to 'fall in' here, 'today' the sea surface tempreture is 14c (57.2f). Infact...
Hi CDK I know water conditions vary around the world, infact they even vary around the UK coastline, but I have had good success by just simply...
Oops! well spotted :) Mike
Totaly agree, it never ceases to amaze me just how many people ask why do I have 'two' anchors when I drop anchor, when actually the rope is a...
Actually she is 4.6 tons!! Colvic Watsons are well known for their heavy layup in the hull construction. We have all seen the description in...
Yes here on the North East coast of the UK we do like our motor sailers, I have a Colvic Watson (which has a pedigree second to none), unless I...
The X bow for ships was designed by the Norwegian Ulstein Group, bit more info here: http://www.stowmasters.com/xbow.htm Mike
In a force 5 I usually have one reef on the main sail and about 50% of my Genoa out, this would give me about 5.5 knots, don't forget also Colvic...
Sorry I was refering to a roller reefing system for a Genoa, I also agree with jetboy and I also am not a fan of boom roller reefing systems for...