To keep them flush and not use through bolts that leak I would look at welding in acorn nuts or make your own out of solid shaft with threaded...
Without actually seeing it, it is hard to give advice on how to tackle it. I would say to start with take the worst looking area and cut the...
the extrusions are not really necessary, I have done a couple 8 footers and a 10' without them using .100" 5052 material . Keel and chine seams...
Tight thick mill scale is tough to get off even with a sandblaster. Vinegar will soften it a little . running your torch flame close over it will...
Are you speeking of John Simpson ?
Wind and weight as mentioned but also the shade from shrouds,mast and sails . So far the best I have seen and used myself is off the stern with...
Bottom line you have to make a profit to survive, something our politicians don't seem to grasp. I think it's kinda funny we have other states...
Wishin they would have cut back here but nope they just start raising fee's fines taxes anything thing they can to squeeze a little more out of us .
I would hope they have made it more difficult to file, A lot seems to be knowing how to work the system and a shyster lawyer, I personally know a...
I guess I will chime in here sense I stripped off gel coat and outer layer of mat with grinders, the grinders spin fast so you need to stick with...
That could be bad for someone truly in bad shape, seems like there are a number of people that abuse it also, rack up a bunch of credit and file...
I had forgot about that part , Would the same hold true in bankruptcy? lot of that going on now days
Wow 500 employees is a small business, wonder where I fit in being a 1 man show ? From what I have seen the IRS doesn't make or brake a business...
Well I came home from the Army in the first part of 82 economy was in the crapper jobs were scarce minimum wage was $3.25, went back to work at an...
Not to get off topic but yes they built the state run marinas just like camp grounds with tax payers money but it is also an investment for the...