Interesting question. In terms of aesthetics: In any field of design there is a few who master the form of the product (in this case the boat)....
Thanks for the additional explanation. I understand where you are coming from in terms of keeping the equations simple. I recently tried to derive...
Interesting approach. I have read your Dec 08 and Jul 13 posts a couple of times today and I can (more or less) follow your approach. I need to...
I too have used Rhino with some success to loft aircraft sheet metal. It seems to work fairly well for the simpler shapes in a metal aircraft....
Interesting idea. I will try this ... something tells me it won't be easy, but I will try it. Of course this assumes that the bottom is...
Yes plate expansions is a secondary consideration for this design. In in the general case I would like to get that right as well for other designs...
Phil, Thanks for the link to this old thread. A long read, but very interesting - particularly the contributions of Michael Storer. Good to know...
True .... but I am not aiming to revolutionise boat design nor get rich. I just want a simple project I can build in my home workshop to learn...
Well as competent as someone can be who is designing his first planing hull. I have read a huge volume of stuff on planing hull design and I have...
Thanks for the practical design tips. Are you saying that you have used Rabl's method to loft boats that you have built ? If so, do the...
Interesting .... before I buy the book, does anyone know how he forms the panels ?
This is the simplest approach to a conic loft and may well work (I need to send some time in AutoCAD to know for sure). Teale, Kinney and Lord, to...
I have Rhino. I have used this a little for sheet metal developments on things other than boats. It seems to work OK for simple lofts but there...
True. Kilgore and Michelsen detail the condition for developability. For practical purposes if the projection of each of the lines onto the...
Yes it is a design I am drawing. Just a plywood speedboat design for about 10 hp. More of a learning exercise than anything.