a thing of beauty to behold. I know the wood is the thing, but what is the plan for power?
The good old days of publicity stunts. "In May 1951 the prototype Aero Commander took off from Wiley Post Airport to deliver certification...
The thing to consider is economy. Combustion engines burn carbon, be it propane, gasoline, diesel. The power produced is a function of the mass of...
here is post #5, where I acknowledged that a kayak with traditional sailing rig would be more practical. This is the point where abandoned the...
basically what he said. Plywood's big value is shear strength. Cut it into strips and it is weak in many ways. A solid strip would survive impacts...
several posts up I had mentioned a conventional kayak with out rigger is more practical, and we went off that way at least as far as I was...
OK captains obvious. What starts out as lighthearted spitballing of ideas gets drug down to that same dismal space. I'm not making hulls out of...
Proa? :D
looking great Rob! @Othmar this is just the next of a long series of designs. Those questions were answered long ago.
Maybe put up a sketch of the thing for me. I am not a boat designer or builder, but I do my own design/fab lightbulb moment things. Some of my...
Thanks, so many people will provide disinformation regarding these things. It is difficult to understand the motivations, but what you say makes...
Much of what you put into post #2068 has been on my mind, namely don't mess with things that not only work, but have been proven on many different...
The high load line of XPS is more costly, but has much greater compression and flexural stiffness. The highload 100 is 4 times stronger in...
Lots of features like that one, all fractured up and waiting for entropy to finish the job. Some of the ones I know are poised over roads!!
if it's a park the red tape is in leaving the boat there and not getting it out of there. That's truly a shame for a relatively recent project.