I agree about lalpstrakes sounding better underway. I would add that wooden lapstrakes sound better underway than composite rowing skiffs. I...
With respect to the 17' Whitehall Rowing Skiff design, both planked and lapstrake designs are common. Question: Is lapstrake or planked...
I posted a video clip of my rowing exercise today on Lake Livingston. Happy New Year! YUqFENsMg4k
Or you can pay to have professional keel modifications. I got some estimates from Mars Keels many years ago on converting a deep draft 42 foot...
There needs to be another Senior Division for Sailor Don: Coffin Dust.[IMG] With respect to outboard motors on Whitehall Rowing Skiffs (like...
I read the Ben Booth posts on designing a fast rowboat. He certainly found the optimum design for his purpose, which was to win the fixed seat...
There are not many commercially produced performance rowing skiff designs to choose from. There is the Heritage 12, 15, and 18 series, the Tango...
I made a test run of the fluttering flag yesterday. Lucky for me it didn't drag me off course. :D [IMG] Eo6JxoOne0g
Excellent design concept. I'll probably try a 1/2" thick exterior plywood as a double transom bolted to the carbon fiber transom using the...
What I am trying to do is use the existing fixed secure pad eyes to avoid drilling more holes in the carbon fiber hull and liner. The gunwale...
I would like to add a flagpole to the transom of my Heritage 18 rowing skiff. As built, the boat has two through bolted pad eyes in the transom,...