Just another quick update. On Thursday, roughly 48 years after her construction was first started, I stepped a mast on "Glory B" for the first...
Luckily for me, most of the designers original drawings are still aboard, so I don't need to design the rig anew. It looks a little low by the...
Yes, the cheeks are far too small. I've anchored her only once, after motoring over to Sausalito for a weekend just to give her a run, do engine...
I would add 'Skip' Calkins to that list. His 50' "Legend" was not only a beautiful boat, but it won the 1957 TransPac. My "Glory B" was built...
Guinness used to (still does?) ship beer from Dublin to Liverpool for bottling. I did two runs once while their in house tanker was in the yard....
So now the steering components have 200,000 miles more age and stress on them. With steering failure, it's not "IF" it will happen, it is "WHEN"....
Depends where you are, I guess. The Canadians now require you to take an exam and have a "Pleasure Craft Operators License" even to take a 6'...
Brilliant???? It's a "brilliant" idea when you're close inshore on a lee shore and only 50 metres or so from some rocks to not be able to access...
I'd have to question just one word of that... "inshore". To me, the whole point of a motorsailor is the "go anywhere" ability to use both sail...
I've taken the mud in Carnarfon several times back in the late 70's - in a coastal oil tanker. I see from Google maps, though, that the oil...
My new project boat is a motorsailor. Launched in 1996 to a modification of Skip Calkins 1957 50' motorsailor "Legend" - which won the Transpac...
Now there's an idea. I have a Coronado 25 as well, but the outboard engine one. However, the hull was designed for an inboard, and it's a pretty...
Hi everyone. How critical is the vertical positioning of the spreaders on a mast? Here's my position.... I have a wooden 54' motorsailor...
To be honest, I didn't even think of asking about it. I've never used it myself, or even seen it used, but it was my sort of 'heard in passing'...