I am curious Mikko Brummer and others, after 15 pages did you get your questions answered? The circulation theory of lift is a mathematical...
The following is copied from Homebuiltairplanes.com in response to posting the above referenced (post #7) video on birds. Still more airplane than...
More aircraft related than boat but still of interest: Would planes be better if they were more like birds?...
A 3D-Printed 'Fish Fin' Offers New Ideas for Morphing Aircraft https://www.techbriefs.com/component/content/article/tb/stories/blog/39887
Thanks for explaining how things work here. This is a sideline for me but I will give it a go. Here are videos of a few simple systems. [MEDIA]...
Gonzo, You may want to look into the Dol-Fin for work in high current environments. It is sturdy and built for speed and efficiency.
There are reasons why the longer low aspect ratio free diving fins can be more efficient than the typical shorter fins of SCUBA and Snorkel...
I am relatively new to this site but have noticed that this Propulsion Forum segment does not have a segment devoted to what may be considered non...
I am not sure what your point is here. Much of what you say is true. No problem with the statement "A swimmer with more available power will...
Others have pointed out the power versus efficiency reasons for fin selection. There is also the issue of fundamental fluid dynamic principles of...