Sorry, but your problem has no anything general with my publication. I advise you publish your problem in the separate publication - then can to...
Calculation of the steerer is made under the relevant Rules of Classification and construction on which the vessel in section Ship devices and...
I think that I was with very much exhausting image answered on all your questions. In my calculations force of drift is not determined but if...
Whether there is a technical task for which project have started? That could help you with advice and if it does not hinder you, I ask to describe...
If I yet have not bothered you, I want to find out the problem about a ship drift at heaving. First it is necessary to reply: How originates...
Let we go on with explanations: In the Manual of the program Maxsurf Motion it is written about forces of Frud-Krylov. In the enclosed file will...
Thanks for the question. My answer is the following: First about the Maxsurf Resistance program! It displays the wave picture /see the file/ of...
Dear colleague, The catamaran intended for operation in the rivers and lakes with maximum speed 50 km\h. The supply ship intended for marine oil...
Hello dear forum readers! I want to introduce you to 6 video clips about motions in irregular waves of two models of Sea Tech Ltd, Nizhny...
Calculations of resistance of water and towrope power of a motor yacht of project AY-15 / continuation / The following stage of the publication...
Calculations of resistance of water and towrope power of a motor yacht of project AY-15 Greetings dear readers of the forum of the "Boat...
Calculations of resistance of water and towrope power of a motor yacht of project B20-R / continuation / 8. Comparative diagrams by the...
Calculations of resistance of water and towrope power of a motor yacht of project B20-R / continuation / 6. Features of calculation in program...
Calculations of resistance of water and towrope power of a motor yacht of project B20-R / continuation / 4. Features of calculation in...