Hi everyone I finally got the transducer to work, it seem that it need some time to relearn the new position in the boat, now it can show depth...
Hi As per Garmin manual, you can use transom trasducer as through hull transducer, please read page 98...
Hi I have a porblrm with my Garmin fishfinder, i always jig the transom transducer to "Shoot through hull instalation", now after the repair, it...
As promised, today i tested the boat again for 1 hour, it was Ok, see attached pictures in the water Also the video for me and my driver We did...
Hi, Returning the boat to its original condition was little problematic, more challenging than I thought, but frankly speaking I DID ENJOY VERY...
I agree with you, finishing take alot of the time Good Idea, I will think about it
todays cosmatical work
I will post tomorrow smothing the stracks as the original molded by my Auto denter, then painting it
I will keep on posting until i put the boat again in the water, also I will keep on reading other posts and share my experince with
I very much value your follow-up
hi We are painting stage and also redoing electicals maybe another week
Today we filled foam in the stringer molde, we are getting closer to finish this project. See the pictures
I will do the painting later, tomorrow we will do the foam filling inside the boat and correct the fuel tank partitions , this way we give more...
These are pictures of today painting process which I stopped. The last 2 pictures of the stracke done by my staff it look super with Car paint...
Hi I started with the painting process, but my staff as I told you are Auto painters, they are very good with cars but as told you earlier ZERO...