Moonchiner, I had cash in hand ready to buy these and was in communication with Alex via phone and email and now the seller has gone MIA. I hope...
Ondarvr, —— thanks for the contact. I actually have bob on my email list to contact when I get going. He will help me set up an account. Up until...
You’re right fall guy. No such thing as fibreglass resin. I was too lazy to type polyester resin or vinyl ester resin. My bad.
I think there’s some confusion. I’m being told to construct this boat as a cold mold process using epoxy, and not fibreglass resin. I want to...
Ok so it’s been a few days and much has happened. Thanks to all of the member input on this thread, I just purchased a 26 envi jig and all of the...
Style has gone by the wayside up here(British Columbia), the first aluminum cabin cruisers in the 26’ range were designed to get a quick fleet of...
Thanks Sam Sam, I’m actually not at all against a two piece mold. I was just excited to see a custom Carolina hull from a fibreglass mold on that...
What gonzo is talking about when he refers to a dxf file is the cad file that the design was saved as. Whether it be made using rhino, AutoCAD, or...
Not limited to Cnc jigs, I just prefer them because of their accuracy and the fact that if I would like a tweak to a design (more dead rise at...
Funny how a single image can inspire someone so powerfully. Thank you Sam Sam for the pic of the one piece mold of that beautiful custom Carolina...
Just about all Carolina flared hulls I come across have tumble home and I wish more manufacturers of large numbers would include it in their...
Thanks mr efficiency. I’m able to find tons of Carolina flare hulls under 35 feet. What I can’t find are fibreglass molds of Carolina flare...
i would like to stop fixing and restoring boats and build new boats for sale (small production). I love Carolina flare hulls and they don’t...
i am retired from deep sea commercial fishing and now buy and sell used boats and do total restorations. I am tired of fixing I...