Dave, short one is 5, long is 10, triangle is 50kts.
OK, now it is clear that You are new to weather charts :) Look at low pressure area and look at gradient of isobars south from this area. This...
No, boat can be registered on Thai company name. So it can be easily registered on builder's company if it was required. 1. It is anchor roller...
weather chart OK, but we have a weather chart showing area of low pressure causing strong winds and wave in the Gulf. Is this chart for day of...
Peter, problem could happen if ropes are not enough UV resistant. Sun is really hard here and plastic skin fittings from BLA become garbage in...
I am not involved and not working at that yard... Just making observations based on what I see myself and know from local community.
This seems to be uneducated guess, not fact. Why didn't they crush on Creed's boat then??? As we know on Creed's boat lashing failed, not troughs....
Peter, thanks for Your unprejudiced input. Yes, we don't know full story, but there is no evidence that it was builder's fault. Moreover, limited...
Yes, just a guy sitting in Holland but very concerned about boat wrecked in Thailand... :D You have wrong feeling again, as usual. But I am sure...
chicken heart OK, situation is clear for me.
... asked Junior Member with 9 posts! :D So, do You agree that Your 'inference' was wrong? That there is no proof that the accident is...
Oohh I see... :D Besides it seems this 'inference' was the only purpose of Your registration here.
Yes I agree with You, but You have started this thread with accusations! Now once we all know the truth, why don't You say 'sorry, I was...
Seems like sloopjb is pissed off and will run away... But new just registered clones with single post will join the thread :D
You are mixing facts with Your own guesses and thus mislead the readers. OK, that post says: http://www.bahtsold.com/detail.php?id=43092...