How often will the tilting be adjusted, and will it be for each individual solar panel? Instead of adjusting the individual solar panels while at...
Is A Solar Tracking System Worth It?...
YES, And maybe a little intuition added to that? Can we compare it to Land Transportation and the the development of the wheel? I doubt that the...
You might be able to use a tilted roof rack to carry wider single or parted catamaran Hulls.. 5 Best Double Kayak Roof Racks: In-Detail Reviews...
What does that statement have to do with anything, even if it is true? I guess I'm just more pragmatic, and focused on my approach which is...
Without any essential details on motor torque characteristics, prop pitch and diameter, boat hull shape/ dimensions, Target top boat speed /...
Making the hydrogen is easy, storing it for fuel or for use in a balloon requires weight and energy draining machinery?
Maybe put the propellers directly on the balloon to make a drone? The Chinese did something like that on a large scale didn't they? Flew Over and...
How fast do you think video #2 could go in 3' Seas that you speak of? Maybe not the fastest claim in the country under those or other undefined...
PC: it's the volume of the outside (airtight) rigid shell of the pontoon weighing maybe say 2 lb?, that provides 33 lb of upward flotation Force....
"Since the builder’s tube is hollow, I have 8” of diameter of hollow space for 6’. What I planned to do was add a high pressure float to the...
Thanks for the detailed explanation. Looks like you have some good ideas worked out for your particular sport. My particular interest is in small...
My opinion is it depends on how you build it it when you adapt the kit to a boat situation. Some quick ideas: Place all live electrical...
Just in case you're not aware, there are dozens of different designs made from different materials for pontoons like that, which can be purchased...
9 Volt Battery Myths And Facts – The Safety Brief FWIW..