as a 29er sailor i can tell u that we generaly keep the outhall cranked upwind. also the the way the vang is set up (on top of the boom pushing)...
i just spent half a day reading this whole thread and id just like to say wow and good job to all who posted
how much roach can be put into a self tacking jib? is it possible to put some full length battens in it to make it almost over laping? or is it...
dam! that soooo nice, when can i get delivery? does i come in blue? cant wait for the rig
its a day sailor, no worries!
maby when u sheet the sheets althe way in its going to make hte main be above centerline, *** everything is oriented around the direction the hull...
Im looking for a new vang system to free up sum deckspace on my dingy. Ive tried looking into the vang systems of 29ers, but i cant find any good...
i got it to work, i just had to past the part in parentises into the bar, u might not want to name htings with some many spaces and symobols (ie...
thanks this is some good readin
im looking for somthing intresting to try on a model sail boat i plan to build, ive seem some interesting things done with bulbs, like nz's long...
i say they make crews have to live in the country they're competing for for atleast lets say 6 years, that will keep them from switching every...