Competition Composites Inc (previously known as "Phil's Foils") is seeking an experienced composites fabricator to join our team. Duties...
Its not that simple With all respect, if you are asking that question, then you probably don't have the knowledge to successfully build a new set...
Why a Lightning? Is your heart set on a Lightning? Big, heavy, expensive, sailed with 3. The Fireball has active home builders and would be...
We're open minded about that, but have not as yet had to look into what's involved in work visa's etc. Send me a CV. Cheers Phil
Competition Composites Inc (CCI) is an Ottawa, Ontario, Canada based composites fabrication business. We focus on high quality one-offs,...
We've also used teflon adhesive films on the tables, but the seams were not acceptable and they did not wear well over time.
I should clarify that we are not new to laminating on steel tables - we have two other tables in the shop, each 8' x 16', and last year did about...
Its simply a large steel laminating table for infusing flat panels etc. My supplier has recommended we simply shoot it with Duratec VE then...
Really? Just the Home Depot 2-part stuff, or is there better?
We've got a large steel table (8'x20') that we just had the mill scale sandblasted off of. Now we've got a clean but pitted surface that we'd...
Ian's pretty clearly stated that he'll get more return for time if he concentrates on getting the F22 to market (and other production builds after...
I'll chime in on the side of those recommending some central structure to the strut. You need it for both a shear web, and for compressive...