there are a lot of factors that affect choice of beam to lenght ratio. with the same hull design, making it wider means it is more likely to...
I agree with Tom, a laminar foil is usually not a good idea unless you are maintaining at every race a pure racing boat. seldom do you get much...
welcome to the forum, there are lots here with excellent experiance that will help. I have built a number of canoes and kayaks, only used...
yes that is true, and it appears to be a wing shape designed to be used as a sail. Something like that can be made to work reasonably well....
steel that thin would need several frames to hold the shape, and reinfoced gunwales. adding weight and cost. It might be possible to get thinner...
just moving water in a swimming pool seems to me would not get you controlled flow you need to simulate a boat moving through the water. you...
welcome to the forum, to answer your question: no, do not build this boat. it will be a big disappointment, a waste of time and money. There...
Welcome to the forum, you might go check out the "hardware class boats" thread. In it a lot of members develop the concept for a low cost class...
there are three elements of drag of hulls in water, skin friction, wave making, and form drag. A square box has more form drag than a long...
I worked in aircraft aerodynamics for 8 years in a previous life. I have actually studied Dr. Withold Kaspers original paper (I think I have a...
the first water to enter the hull when heeled is always from the waves. you will not have smooth water when there is enough wind to heel the hull...
I am with PAR on this, just remove the whole transom panel and replace it. it would actually be less work than what you are proposing, it will be...
yes, the rules on p 63 are the current rules and no other changes have been proposed. you are correct in interpreting the rules, IRC 14 ft...
if you have identical hull/keel, the rig with the best L/D ratio (lift over drag) will have less heel. The drag tends to heel the boat over, the...
it has nothing to do with conservatism, the fastest sailing craft in the world, the ones that set all the records, uses a sloop or cutter rig,...