Speaking about religion, you have very nearly nailed it .... Wharram's are a cult.
The plywood is not just expensive - it is virtually unobtainium.....:oops:
Minor threat, can you give a link to the wishbone version ?
O/M , back to Orthogonal for a moment; the 2 jibs are interesting. It would make it easy to shunt. What are your thoughts on the 2 jibs ?
An interesting little boat Skip has put together there. I would love to see some video of it sailing, & hear his impressions of how his boats are...
Hmm... was this design released on april 1 ?
Mr Watson, could I ask you to expand on yr ideas above ? ie ; what /where would this be used ? expected optimal finished width ? Masts ? How...
Solgato, the last one is brilliant. I think you have just started a new trend !
One you forgot Oldmulti ; Mr denney @ Harryproa
You spoke about the Harryproa 50, which is a fair bit bigger than the others you are looking at. But what about the 40'er EX40 — Harryproa...
Fallguy, iirc you built a woods skoota ? Did you change anything from original design ? Peter
2 things ; 1. their technical colleges must have been swamped with applications to learn alum welding/fabrication ? 2. how do they deliver an...
Wow, that is HUGELY impressive. 2000 guys who are very competent working with alum ?? even 200 would have been impressive..... The electrical...
I don't know how much Bernd K's plans are - but it is pretty hard to beat the scarab plan price. & a second hand dinghy rig looks like it would...
Good god no ! You might spill the gin & tonic ! Lord knows what would become of the cucumber sandwiches ?! o_O