Windsurfer mast bases ("universal joints" as they call them) are great for this. On my boat with a rather large panel (abt. 900 mm * 760 mm, 150...
tane, you might consider contacting Jean-Pierre Magnan (Mail: to ask for any plans. I happen to own a Super-Câlin (Mini...
Never mind, Cristian. Sorry, I didn't check for the resistance calculation when having a look at your model; the only objective was to search for...
Hm, seems we've been here before... ;)
Cristian, there is a leak in the bow area above the upper chine; i.e. no "watertight" connection to the top sides here. I moved one control...
You are right, Ignacio, I have the 12215-9:2018 which states in its foreword that "This document supersedes EN ISO 12215-9:2012" but at the bottom...
nickrj, the construction of the keel can be anything from solid cast steel/iron, milled steel or aluminium, welded hollow metal construction, a...
Not specifically on cold moulding, but always worth a read and available as a free PDF for some years now: The Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction
Another one might be The Maritime Engineering Reference Book - A Guide to Ship Design, Construction and Operation by Anthony F. Molland...
MayC, Design of Ship Hull Structures - A Practical Guide for Engineers by Yasuhisa Okumoto, Yu Takeda, Masaki Mano, and Tetsuo Okada might be of...
Hydrostatics are hydrostatics, no matter of the type of vessel. What is indeed different are the requirements for each type, the intended...
bhanu prakash, I doubt that the Holtrop-Mennen resistance estimation is applicable here. Without having any idea on the shape of your boat (maybe...
Furkan, that's a very broad question and one that's not really possible to answer without giving a complete lecture in naval architecture/marine...
ram68ocean, you'll need to estimate the required power generated by the propulsion engine(s) at your desired service speed. A quick way if you...
aziziyeng, no special plug-in needed, just use the "section" command in Rhino. ;-) With something like RhinoMarine (discontinued as far as I...