Just wondering if anyone had a crack at doing this in Maxsurf?
Try this one? https://www.sendspace.com/file/1pu40g
PS... I don't have a table of offsets. That would be the gold standard!
@SukiSolo, I only mentioned the MSD file because I have set up the background images, data and the frame of reference for RMS Titanic. I don't...
I am working on setting up a MSD file with the correct zero points, references, FP, AP etc. Should have it done in the next day or so and will...
bhnautika, your model is extremely good! As far as I can see, it's 3 surfaces bonded together, and it does give me a pretty good idea of what I...
As I suspected, then! TANSL, when you say you developed your own software- is this readily available? I've used Autocad in the past, haven't...
I am trying to recreate this ship in Maxsurf, but not having a lot of luck at the moment (the ship, BTW, is RMS Titanic/Olympic/Britannic)...