Two railroad jacks and a bunch of blocking.....
If peel strength is your concern with Xynole, due to the fact that it is a polyester, you needn't worry. I have used it myself many times with...
I was going to do that, I even had a damaged VW head to use as a building jig, but I found a complete Pathfinder engine for $200. The VW engines...
I'm not sure about the pumpe duse engine, but the earlier 1.9 TDI engines can use the same manifolds as the old 1.6 VW diesels. If that is also...
The powered Javelin's bow-up attitude is no worse than most "professionally designed" powerboats that I see on the water every day. At least it...
The original thread can be seen here: Perhaps crow, as well as...
Sounds like a very interesting project. I'd like to hear more about the steam plant. Maybe a uniflow with a flash boiler? LP fired? Tom
Of course I'm curious what your 300# heavier engine package will be, -- especially given your avatar... Where was that video clip taken, upper...
I say Fred deserves some congratulations, and I think he is quite right in crowing a bit. To me, 15mph from a 14' boat with a 12hp inboard is a...
YES! FLATHEAD! Excellent choice, I was so afraid we were going to see just another SBC slotted in there, that old Ford is just what that cool...
I posted this over on the WoodenBoat forum, but if you don't mind, I thought I'd like to try it here too, I'm just curious, and I thought some...
I'm sorry I didn't look at this thread earlier, that is fantastic! The "camper on a raft" thing has been done and done, but that one is really...
In our business we have a bunch of aluminum row boats for our guests to use. We always bought wood oars to use in them, but over the last few...
You could have them print the body plan sections on paper, then glue them onto foam poster board with photo adhesive. Cut the molds out, mount...