Make no mistake, we are counting on considerable expense, if we were to create new hull molds w/ a re-engineered running surface.
This may be one of the most random questions of the year, but here goes: I am part of a group that is considering the purchase of a group of...
Electronics (via the microprocessor) have literally changed everything about cruising, and navigation in general. While this might be a touch of...
Was listening to an interview w/ Rich Lazzara recently, and he was explaining how the multi-axis router, and the freedom it gives when producing...
Oh, you can go further, if you'd like. Just looking for opinions on developments/innovations/equipment that helped change the industry and the...
Good responses, folks! Keep 'em comin'!
Was discussing this w/ pals. If you were to put your finger on the top innovations - the real game changers - in power boating over the last...
...most influential/enduring production designs? The 53' Hatteras MY has to be there, right? Some for the 42' Banks. Probably the 31' Bertram...
First guy here. Love the board so far. Was thinking this topic, so I thought I'd solicit opinions...there are lots - LOTS - of...