So I think I know what may have contributed to the delay. I'm using west 205 hardener for colder temps but I've made sure its warm. I also stuck...
I am building a catamaran starting with the center. I figured this was smart as if it doesn't turn out great, a) it won't be as noticeable as the...
If money were no object, what material would you use? I've seen lots of posts about building economically but what if money were no object and...
I'm looking at 20hp Honda outboards. I like the idea of fly by wire but don't like the lack of competition. Hoping more companies come out with...
I'm trying to wrap my mind around all everything I need to know considering I will be soloing most of my trips in a 26-30'er.... Should I route...
Sure! I currently use two jackery 500 units for my food trailer to power everything inside including 2 60liter aplicool freezers / fridges,...
Ok, I know that term gets thrown around a lot but I am curious about the possiblity of using them on a homebuilt. Typically a SG has a bank of...
I'm still in the design phase (aren't we all? lol) but was curious if anyone has tried Electric power / Fly by wire steering in a boat vs...
Thanks everyone! The plans are for straight fiberglass over plywood. I was figuring on epoxy for the resin. I was thinking of how to finish the...
Looking for guidance on something I've been struggling to understand. In building a fiberglass over ply boat, I understand that fiberglassing the...